THIS OLE FOGLE HOUSE - A Little Kanawha Landmark, Now Gone


By Bob Weaver

Most people seem to remember it as the old "John Fogle house," a landmark along the Little Kanawha River near the Village of Russett.

(It has now been removed from the landscape).

It was the home of John and Suzanna Stump Fogle. John was born in Morgantown, WV on September 18, 1867 and died October 16, 1929. Suzanna was born July 1869 and died in 1944, according to great granddaughter, Anita Hartshorn Vannoy.

The house, whose front faces the river, was once a stopping place for riverboat captains and workers who were forging their way upstream to Glenville.

The house is collapsing fast, a reminder of commerce on the river and family life along the river. It is still a beautiful location. John Fogle, who died in 1929, and his wife Susanna shortly after, both reposing in Bethlehem Cemetery.

The Fogle's had four sons, Lin, Lan, Harry, and Lee.

The house is now gone.

Suzanna Stump Fogle