* Richard Ankrum Convicted, Ritchie County Murder

Our readers will remember the killing of John S. Millhone by Richard Ankrum, in Ritchie county, some months since. The case was tried last week before Judge Edminston, and the jury rendered no verdict, having failed to agree ; seven going to clear him, and five to sentence him to the penitentiary for one year. The evidence went far to prove that the deed was committed in self defence, and under very aggravated circumstances. [The Daily Dispatch, (Richmond, Va., April 29, 1854]

* Frank Moore Robbed

Someone who had watched the operations of a miser named Frank Moore, residing near Pennsboro, West Virginia, took from his hoard $2,000 in bills and $5,500 in gold. [The Times. (Owosso, Mich.), July 16, 1886

* H. H. Collins Arrested

Of Pennsboro, was arrested here today for carrying concealed weapons, and in default of bail was lodged in jail to await the action of the grand jury at the next term. He is a character of some note. He deserted his family about seven months ago, and since that time has following in the wake of Jennie Egil. After her arrest he followed her here, and now he languishes in jail. Source: Wheeling Register, December 15, 1889, Transcribed by C. Anthony

* Indicted In Ritchie

The Clarksburg Telegram, Clarksburg WV March 10, 1893, James Duffy, Catharine Duffy, and John Burke, of Cairo, were indicated by the Ritchie County grand jury last week of the murder of Mary Higgins.

* Cut Throat

Detective John Short left yesterday to arrest a man who several weeks ago tried to cut the throat of a Baltimore & Ohio conductor at Pennsboro, on the fifth division. He cut four or five bad gashes, but none fatal. Short has been looking for him ever since, and finally located him. [The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer.(Wheeling, W. Va.), March 31, 1896, Page 5]

* Hurt Flying Plane

Judge Homer B. Woods, of Harrisville, a prominent West Virginia jurist, was hurt here today while assisting his son, Homer, in an aeroplane flight. The machine was one that the boy invented. The judge's clothing was caught in the machinery and was carried some distance in the air. The judge fell and is perhaps seriously injured. The machine plinged to a height of forty feet and fell. The boy is seriously injured. Source: The Fairmont West Virginian (Fairmont, West Virginia) October 6,1911 Transcribed by: D. Oberst

* Yacht Blows Up

Twenty-two Hurled Into River as Lantern Ignites Gasoline Gallipolis, Ohio While out on the Ohio River with a party of twenty-two men, the gasoline tank on the yacht Blanche M. exploded. All were thrown into the river and four were drowned. The dead were: John E. Edwards, clerk in the Gallipolis post office; J. R. Simmons, druggist, Harrisville West Virginia; E. H. Brake, assistant cashier, Harrisville First National Bank, and J. Willis Fiddler, postmaster at Harrisville and secretary of the West Virginia Congressional Committee. Harvey E. McGinnis, clerk of the Circuit Court, Harrisville, and W. E. Meserve were badly burned. The party from Harrisville had come here with a brass band to attend a land sale and had gone on the river for an evening's outing. The explosion was caused by a lantern falling on the engine, igniting the gasoline. Source: The Abbeville press and banner ( Abbeville, South Carolina) October 16, 1907 Transcribed by: D. Oberst