From the next hill over, we only see woods

The wooded canopy hangs over the homeplace
By Bob Weaver
I have often discovered that I have a tilted perception of Calhoun County, connected to the place I have spent much of my lifetime, having yet another epiphany about the place (which means it is not an epiphany).
Most of my perception comes by traveling on our crooked roads and stream beds, about 580 miles worth. It wasn't until a pilot friend of mine flew over the county in the 1960s did I understand we live in a great fores.
A few days ago I took a photo of the mountain (here we call them hills) on which we have our being. The photo was taken from the former Mt. Olive United Methodist Church at Hur, across the valley from our abode.
The view reveals only a green forest of trees towering above most of the other hills, elevation about 1200 feet.
A short distance away is Rattlesnake Knob, a 1310' peak between Joker and Ace Haney Hill at the head of Little Creek. Not far away is Paulcer's Knob (numerous spellings) near the Husk Ridge at 1250'.
Next month, we may have another insight to our backwoods county.