2020: GRANTSVILLE SKY-VIEW FROM THE AIR - Part One The Hur Herald has been recording the life and times of Calhoun for 25 years, including thousands of photographs across the 280 square miles. Thanks to Dan Kemper, a historian with roots in the county, and his high-tech drone, he has already photographed the Bethlehem Church and cemetery and Calhoun Park on the Herald.

Kemper has photographed dozens of pictures of Grantsville, to be published in several installments.

West Main Street (Rt. 5 West) and West Mill
St., Knotts United Methodist Church, far right

Looking east, Mill Street (left) and River
Street (right) along the Little Kanawha

A high view of Minnie Hamilton Heath System

View of section of High Street
(front) and West Main Street (rear)

Calhoun's second courthouse built about 1940, stone

View from Main Street proper looking west,
former Calhoun Super Service complex (right)

Looking west on Main Street, former Grantsville
Hotel (left) and Walgreen's-Rite Aid (right)

Looking east from Mill Street,
the J&B Drug Store (blue roof)

Courthouse (left) with Stump Funeral Home (Pell Family)
and the Calhoun County Committee on Aging (right)

The old Rainbow Hotel, collapsing for 20 years