DANIELS RUN NEWS 1922 - New Stony Point Church To Be Erected, George Gibson Dies

March 23, 1922

Everybody seems to be plowing and getting ready for farming at present.

By the way, Dow Price and Charley Starcher are buying fishing hooks and lines, so it will soon be time to fish.

Saturday will be the closing day of the Lynch school. We hope we will have a nice time. We, the pupils, wish to thank our teacher for the interest she has taken during this term of school, and hope we can repay her in the future.

Clarence Griffin, a prominent young man of this place who has been employed at Logan for the past few months, returned to his home a short time ago.

Everett Starcher returned to his home here a few days ago from Barberton, Ohio, where he has been at work.

Rev. McClung will preach at the Old Log church Sunday. We hope everybody will come out to hear him.

A new church will be erected where the Old Log church now stands. Several men are working now, getting out the timber. We hope it will not be long until we can see a new church on Stony Point.

Ernest Smith and Clarence Starcher are not seen any longer with guns and dogs. The hunting season must be over.

Evan Morgan has returned from Ohio where he has been going to school. Friends were glad to see him once more.

August 16, 1923

Uncle George Gibson departed this life Aug. 11th, and was buried Tuesday Aug 12th., at the home cemetery, funeral services were held by Rev. Kerby. A large crowd attended the funeral.

Miss Orpha Craddock, left Tuesday for Akron Ohio.

We understand there will be a horse-traders reunion at A.B. Starcher's on Daniels Run the 31st of Aug. and the first day of Sept. All are invited to attend.