DANIELS RUN NEWS 1911 - "A Quiet Little Wedding"

May 9, 1911

Mrs. George Gibson was shopping at Mt. Zion Friday.

Miss Grayce Morgan, who has been attending school at Grantsville, was visiting home folks here last week, and the Quarterly meeting.

Col. George Gibson continues to make one and two trips each week to Spencer after goods for Nicholson's store.

Miss Edna Jeffreys, of Grantsville, visited relatives at this place a few days last week.

Every farmer seems to be busy nowadays attending to the farm.

We often see our friend George Craddock going to market with a bushel of eggs at a time. What do you suppose he feeds his layers?

Poe Gunn, of Mt. Zion, visited friends here over Sunday.

May 23, 1911

Miss Emma Whytsell, of Spencer, was visiting relatives at this place a few days last week.

James W. Morgan recently purchased a fine colt of Henry Hugh's of Spencer.

We are proud to say that we are having one of the best Sunday schools in this part of the country at the old log church.

Miss Lizzie and Martha Nester and others, all of Claria, spent a very pleasant day at the home of James Morgan Sunday.

Mrs. John Whytsell visited her daughter, Mrs. Roy Morgan of Daniels run one day last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Craddock on the 14th a boy.

Bub Nicholson our hustling merchant recently painted his residence . Has also been papering his store.

October 16, 1913

French and Ferrell Gibson started for Akron, Ohio, the first of last week, where they expect to spend the coming winter.

Mrs. E. Griggs, of Spencer, visited her parents and friends at this place last week.

A quiet little wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Starcher Sunday, when Miss Virgie Starcher and Everett Smith, of Hur, were made man and wife.

Ed Starcher, who has been confined to his room several weeks past with typhoid fever, is recovering very slowly.

Jackson Starcher, of Claria, died at his home early Monday morning of last week, with typhoid fever. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. The remains were laid to rest at Mt. Zion cemetery on Tuesday. Funeral services were condlucted by Rev. Stout. - Grey Wing