DANIELS RUN NEWS 1904-11 - Farmers Paying $1 A Day, Widow Downs Taken To Spencer Asylum

From the Grantsville News

May 20, 1904

Corn planting is the order of the day, and the farmers are all busy, with a great demand for more hands. There is no need of any one being idle as farmers are paying $1 per day.

John Morgan and John Furnell started for Richwood last week. Quite a number of citizens have gone there to work this summer.

T.J. Starcher started for Spencer with the widow Downs, where she will be placed in the Asylum. We are sorry, indeed, to hear of her affliction, as she was a peacable and quiet old lady.

Well, as some one occasionally names some one for sheriff, I would like to just name one, though a life long Democrat. But a truer man never lived than he is to his friends, as I have seen him tried, and know whereof I speak, and I do know if he can be persuaded to make the race for the office that he will have a walk over, and that man is Allie Hardman.

The Bond Creek Oil and Gas company are moving their derricks to Rowels Run.

Miss Nellie Knotts is teaching music lessons here.

Our roads are in a critical condition.

Yes, by all means give us a bridge at Grantsville. Every one in this vicinity will vote for it, as that is our motto, to improve the county.

Wishing the editor and his readers success, and hoping to see the editor elected to the House of Delegates next election, I remain, A Voter.

[ Hold! Stop right there! We want it understood that we stand ready to do, in our humble way, anything for the advancement of the Republican party in this county, except to handle boodle or run for office - Ed]

April 25, 1911

Two of Rev. Hugh's children are seriously ill at their home on Daniels Run, with typhoid fever.

Uncle George Gibson arrived Sunday from Spencer with a fine load of goods for our merchant "Bub" Nicholson.

Mrs. John Whytsell has been confined to her room for several days, with neuralgia.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Samson, on the 16, a fine baby boy.

Roy Morgan has moved to his new home on Daniels run. Lieuzern Booher is having an addition built to his residence, which adds very much to the appearance of his place. - GREY WING