DANIELS RUN NEWS 1902 - Frizzlehead Gets Married, Strayboy Says PO A Nuisance

From The Grantsville News


July 18, 1902

Now as there is no one interrupting you for a moment I will give you some of the latest news from our "Happy Hunting ground."

Warm sunny days and corn hoeing is a part of it.

Mr. George Gibson is very poorly at this writing.

Miss Minnie Morgan is no better .

Mr. Pue Whytsell is getting weaker.

A new weddiing over here. Miss Almira Bailey and Mr. Fielden Allen, or "Frizzlehead," two very esteemed friends of the writer, were quietly married Sunday the 6th. May their wedded life be one long day of sunshine, happiness and prosperity.

We see in the paper that this post-office is a nuisance. We ask the writer of that article to come forward like a gentleman or lady and point out wherein they have cause to accuse. "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone." Not wishing to insult any one I will ring off. Pansy.

From The Calhoun Chronicle


July 22, 1902

While setting idle I thought I would take my pencil and write you a few of the happenings of our little village.

Bub Nichols and H.M. Maffett started to Richwood last Tuesday.

Mrs. Leata Badgett and family are visiting friends and relatives at Claria.

Lyman Kelley is working for J.W. Goff.

Miss Minnie Morgan is no better.

Steve Crawford made a special trip Sunday to Tom Laflands (Laughlins).

French Gibson, the little son of W.M. Gibson, is sick with fever.

Allen Starcher lost a fine hound last week.

Now Stray Boy, we noticed in the last issue of the Chronicle where you reported the Post Office at Claria a nuisance. We think you are somewhat mistaken. In fact it is now, it always has been for it is being conducted as it has been before.