DANIELS RUN NEWS 1902 - "Boys Came Back Boozy"

The Calhoun Chronicle
April 22, 1902

S.E. Keith, of the West Fork, passed through our little Village last week, enroute for Grantsville.

William Gibson, of Sinking Springs, lost a very fine horse, last week.

H.M. Maffett has sold his share in tie business to John Goff.

W.M. Lawson, of Sycamore, is preparing to do some hauling for F. I. Starcher, of this place.

Mrs. Guy Bailey and family started to Richwood last Monday, where her husband has been working for some time. They expect to make their future home there, we all wish them success.

L.H. Booher is doing some hauling for Simon Whitesell (Whytsell).

There was a nice little rise in the West Fork last Wednesday, several people started their timber for Creston.

A. Gunn, the hustling and prosperous merchant of this place is doing a well deserved business, his store is a neat one, and is always well stocked.

Quite a lot of damage done by the recent rise.

There was a great deal of timber gotten out on the recent rise. Some of the boys came back rather boozy.

C.N. Nicholson said he wished the water had of taken his house into the Ohio river. Bub was in a bad humor just then.

Little Addie Norman has been suffering very much with a toothache.

A. Gunn and wife attended the show at Spencer last week.

Mrs. Unice Leach, who has been sick for some time, is still very low.

Jake Harden, of Rowels run, was buying calves at this place Monday.

Mr. E.B. Starker is visiting home folks.

D.H. Nester and sons are getting in a nice lot of corn.

Miss Dora Wright, who is at Richwood, is very sick.