1897: BARBER PETE HICKS GETS RIPPED OFF - Culprit Has Guns, Knucks And Large Knife

Pete Hicks Victim of Burglars in 1897

Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 8/10/1897 and 9/28/1897.


Last Friday morning a week when Peter Hicks, the barber, opened his shop he discovered that it had been entered and a part of his tools taken during his absence.

On Sunday he was telling Lish, Drummer Hunter's colored driver, of his loss, when Lish informed him that Elmer Kelley had offered to sell him a razor of the description he mentioned. Hicks than went to Kelley's room, where he found all the missing articles. Kelley claimed he had bought them from other parties.

Some time previous to that day Lyle Austin of the Grantsville Store Co., missed a pair of shoes from the store and he could find no trace of them until Sunday evening, when he went to Kelley and demanded the shoes, which were promptly turned over to him.

On Monday Austin swore out a warrant, which was put in the hands of Constable C.T. Scott; but Kelley had left town. Scott started after him and found him at Auburn, Ritchie county, where he arrested him and returned here with him Tuesday.

He was taken before Mayor Barr on the charge of stealing the shoes and plead guilty and was sentenced to ten days in jail at hard labor by His Honor. There has been no charges preferred by Hicks as yet.


Elmore Kelly is again behind the bars. He was arrested at the hotel de Bell about 12 o'clock Sunday night by Constable Scott and two specials. He was arrested on a charge of burglary, and the complaint was made by Peter Hicks, the barber.

At the time of his arrest he was heavily armed, having on him two revolvers, one specially large one, a pair of knucks and a large knife.

Note: Peter Hicks was a member of one of Calhoun's historic two black communities.