By Bob Weaver 1999
One of Calhoun's most historical figures of the Revolutionary War and
the War of 1812, Peter McCune,
(1748-1832) was the first permanent settler in Washington District.
Coming from Ireland to the
Monongalia-Harrison County area, he enlisted twice during the American
Revolution. After serving three years,
he was discharged in 1781. McCune, an acquaintance of Daniel Boone,
married 14-year-old Christina O'Brien in
1881, the daughter of explorer Adam O'Brien. Oral history tells of
McCune asking the young Christina to stuff
handkerchiefs in her bosom to appear more mature. The relationship
started in 1880, after the O'Brien's had
sought refuge from Indians at Fort Richards near Clarksburg. They had
ten children. Peter McCune is buried at
the Knotts Cemetery below Orma.
Many of their descendants are among
the early pioneer families of Calhoun
County, including Norville, 80, and Bruce McCune, 83, who still reside
on Crooked Run, not far from the original
McCune cabin built in 1815 at Orma.

Genealogist, Jim Mulloly of Wheeling examines
McCune razor and hair, held by Bruce McCune of
The McCune boys have an original straight razor and a lock of hair
belonging to their famous ancestor, which came
with him on his voyage from Ireland. They are both outstanding