Driver attempted to cross low-water bridge
with the river swollen from recent rain
Trio had to be rescued from vehicle which clung to the edge
of the bridge, as flooding waters continued to build pressure
By Bob Weaver
Apri1 2011 - A driver and two passengers barely escaped being swept downstream Saturday evening in the swollen West Fork River, a few miles down Altizer Road from Arnoldsburg.
Susie Neal, 36, of Nebo said she attempted to drive across a low-water bridge near the intersection of Henry's Fork and the West Fork of the Little Kanawha, when the vehicle began floating toward the lower side of the crossing, barely lodging on a drain pipe.
Neal and Joseph Southers, 36, and his daughter, Cheyenne, 11, climbed to the top of the Chevy Cavalier, to be discovered by a motorist who called 911 for help.
Furr's wrecker and Arnoldsburg firemen
slowly edge to vehicle to effect rescue
The trio was rescued from the vehicle by personnel from Furr's Wrecker Service and members of the Arnoldsburg Volunteer Fire Department.
During the wait to be rescued, West Fork water raised about three inches, increasing water pressure to the lodged vehicle, which at times could be seen moving.
The water below the bridge was churning heavily, causing under currents in the swollen river, creating further risk if the vehicle broke away.
Fascinatingly, the owner or driver of the auto verbally attacked the Furr's Towing operator about doing damage to the vehicle after they were instrumental with the rescue.
The WV State Police are investigating the accident.
All is well, that ends well ...
POSTSCRIPT: Not reported at the time, an occupant gave Furr's Wrecker Service an arse chewing for dragging off the muffler of the vehicle, moments after their lives were saved.