BRANNONS HAVE OVER 200 YEAR CALHOUN HISTORY - Old Peter McCune Donated His Log Cabin


The Brannon Cemetery, located on a hillside above the
West Fork above Rt. 16, between the mouth of Crummies
Creek and Rush Run, represents an over 200 year family history

The current home of Robert and Juanita Berdine is the
original Brannon homestead, underneath are the original logs

A long view north down the West Fork from the cemetery

By Bob Weaver 2008

The Brannons are among Calhoun's early settlers, coming to the Arnoldsburg region shortly after 1804.

Col. D. S. Dewees in his "Recollections of a Lifetime," says William Brannon, Sr. stopped to meet Peter McCune, Sr. along the West Fork where the Brannon homestead still stands.

DeWees wrote, "Peter McCune, Sr., who had participated in the Revolutionary War...having been in the wilderness long enough to have learned to wield an axe and knowing the bounties of the then verdant forests and crystal waters of the West Fork, affording abundance of the necessities of life, Samaritan like, gave up his log cabin home and little improvements to William Brannon, Sr. in the long bottom near the mouth of Rush Run and across the creek from Henry Bennington's..."

Cattle graze along the West Fork for 200 years; a
cellar house is all that remains of the Alfred farm

So the Brannon's began their 200 plus years stay in Calhoun County, the original site is now occupied by Robert (now deceased) and Juanita Brannon Berdine, the daughter of the late Victor Brannon.

Part of their current house is log, long covered by boards and siding. The log section is likely 125 years old, or even older.

The farm is still being used for cattle raising by Juanita's brother Vere Brannon.

The Brannon Cemetery is on a hillside above the farm overlooking the West Fork Valley, therein rests many of the Brannon family, including Victor Brannon's father, Greely (1873-1962) and his grandfather, Sylvester (1850-1920).

Also buried in the cemetery is the son of the original William Brannon, Sr., Thomas Brannon (who died in in 1892 at age 91) and his wife Lydia.

Early comer Lycurgus Offutt (1837-1910) is buried on the hillside.

The Alfred property adjacent the Brannon homestead

Charles L. Alfred, who died early in life at age 46 in 1911, is resting there, the father of the late Johnnie R. and Cora Butler Alfred. The Alfred farm is adjacent the Brannon homestead.

Col. Dewees ("Recollections of a Lifetime") recalled the names, marriages and occupations of the Brannon family before they made Calhoun their home.

Robert Berdine is now deceased.