Plucky Girl Confronts Masked Men

Savage Attack On Elderly Man

Bloodhounds Called Into Action

A bold attempt at robbery which was only frustrated by the bravery of a girl, occurred on Slab Camp of Steer Creek late Saturday night of week before last.

Two masked men appeared at the home of Harvey Philipps, an old man who, with his step-daughter, lives on that run.

The men pretended to be members of a vigilance committee, coming to punish Philipps for misdeeds, and after a brief parley attacked him with clubs and began beating him savagely.

At this juncture the girl jumped out of bed and interfered.

One of the men struck her on the head, near the temple, inflicting a deep gash and dazing her for a few minutes. When she fully regained her senses she found both men again beating the old man with their clubs.

Grabbing up a poker, the girl attacked the men and struck one of them a severe blow putting (illegible) for the time being. Then followed a fearful fight between the girl and the other fellow. He proved to be too much for her, and after knocking her down for the second time he with his crony, left the house. In the fight the girl was repeatedly struck over the head, and her scanty clothing was literally torn off of her. She fought so desperately with the ruffian, however, that she succeeded in tearing off his mask and recognizing him.

The next morning Lon Collins' bloodhounds were brought into requisition and upon striking the trail they made directly for the homes of two men by the names of McCartney and Richards, the former being the one whom the girl had recognized when she tore the mask off his face.

The two men were arrested and had their preliminary hearing before Squire Vanhorn, (the affair having occurred in the edge of Gilmer county) who bound them over to answer an indictment before the next grand jury of that county.

Old Mr. Phillips kept his money at home, which fact was well known, and it is the general sentiment that the motive of the men was robbery and that they would have succeeded but for the plucky fight put up by Miss Collins.

Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 9/25/1913