FAITH IN PROGRESS - Calhoun Voters Favored A High School 1915


Calhoun County High School 1928-1929

(Photo Courtesy of Lorentz Carr, Jr. and Sue Pruett Hamilton)

The writer said "Faith in the progressiveness and up-to-dateness of the people of Calhoun county was amply justified when the act establishing the high school was ratified by more than two-thirds of the voters of the county, the vote standing 599 for ratification and 300 against."

It was 1915 when the measure passed to build the county's first high school, but construction was delayed because of World War I.

The report said "Despite a campaign of dirtiness that was carried on against the measure in several precincts a majority of 299 was rolled up by the high school enthusiasts."

The political battle between northern and southern Calhoun was alive and well, many opposing a high school for the county.

The tabulated vote of the county by precincts follows:

For - Against:

Brooksville 25 12
Freed 14 17
Russett 104 33
White Pine 59 4
Chestnut Grove 50 22
Court House 166 4
Hur 45 12
Arnoldsburg 13 114
Daniels Run 43 9
Richardson 13 23
Minnora 19 28
Oka 27 9
Frozen Run 21 13

Total 599 300

- Information transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 6/17/1915.