2007 Photos
Flyin' man Harry Simmons, a former Calhoun resident said, "You really understand that we live in the backwoods, sometimes as far as the eye can see, only woods, hills and hollers. It sure offers a different view."
Simmons, who was flying his open-aired flyer photographed Calhoun from the air, and offered several different views of Grantsville.

Aerial view of Grantsville, looking south toward Route 16

South Grantsville, built around the old Calhoun County High School and football field

The center of town, courthouse is large stone building

It may be a surprise to some, but Grantsville rests in a sharp bend of the Little Kanawha River

View just north of the county courthouse

"Northside" Grantsville, across the Little Kanawha from Route 5 (Main Street), with old Grantsville Grade School upper left

Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center, upper side of photo

The Grantsville Volunteer fire station along Route 16