(05/14/2021) |
Photos courtesy of Bob Aaron [WCHS] 5-13-2021 UPDATE - A few protesters turned up at Arnoldsburg Elementary School Thursday to protest an already canceled visit by First Lady Jill Biden and social activist Jennifer Garner of Save the Children, she having visited the county several times. Garner has been instrumental in donating educational materials to the school. The visit was cancelled because of an alleged COVID-19 outbreak at the school, which was in session today.
![]() Numerous local posts on local social media sites called for roadblocks and protests prior to the visit. A social media post accused the Hur Herald of concocting a conspiracy theory to manipulate aspects of the canceled visit, indicating the Herald can't be trusted. WCHS-TV reporter Bob Aaron said most of the protesters seemed linked to pipeliners, who feel their jobs are being threatened. While positioning along US 33/119 to be visible, “We didn’t really care for our kids being used as a photo op, and we just wanted to come out and support the pipeliners, let the Biden administration know that they’re hurting real families,” Sandra Church said. Some appeared to attack Aaron for covering the story, some of his Facebook posts are quoted below (without names): "I just wanna say thank you to each and every person who understands what we are asking, we are not a threat..." "Torch-wielding, pitchfork-carrying villagers always live in the past." "So tired of the negativity in the world. And yes I live in the county the First Lady was to visit before you start with your negative and hateful remarks toward me. Just want some peace in the world." "There were never any threats and they make it sound like this was a big nasty protest...smh! I mean there were Biden supporters blasting pipeliners online calling them inbred trash but nothing negative from the RALLY simply stating they want jobs back. See More: "They forgot their white sheets." "Maybe Melania will come visit them lol." "Leave it to Bob Aaron, to turn it around, why can’t the news media tell the truth. And get the story right." "Not Covid related...she did not want to be approached by those out of work...HAS NO ANSWER TO THIS ONGOING PROBLEM. "That was RUDE to treat her like that." "Where is fact check when you need it ? #factcheck Bob Aaron who said anything about threatening posts from the individuals who ACTUALLY rallied to show support for their county economy? Did you speak to anyone from the rally? " "Arnoldsburg didn't want them there and they didn't go. Everybody should be happy." "Leftist at its finest." "I like how the Biden Administration makes up lies when they don't want to talk or visit. Truth is always the way to go but what do I know?" CANCELED: ACTRESS JENNIFER GARNER TO VISIT ARNOLDSBURG ELEMENTARY THURSDAY 5-12-2021 UPDATE - Details about why the Biden-Garner visit was cancelled appear to be because of a COVID-19 outbreak, while Arnoldsburg Elementary was not a Calhoun school with an outbreak. Hundreds of Calhoun residents posted on Facebook they would protest the visit with some saying they would create roadblocks. Calhoun Superintendent of Schools Kelli Whytsell said, "Calhoun County Schools is very disappointed that the VIP visit scheduled for Arnoldsburg School has been canceled. We were very excited to showcase the fabulous students, staff, and community we have at Arnoldsburg school. However, the safety of all of our students, staff, and VIPs are more important than any visit. We hope that this opportunity will happen again in the future." 5-11-2021 - Sources close to Arnoldsburg Elementary School are saying that the Biden-Garner visit Thursday to the school has been canceled, the reason yet to be released, while a hundred of Calhoun connected citizens on social media said they will protest the visit or create roadblocks. It was not learned why the visit was canceled.
![]() ![]() According to the White House, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden will travel to Charleston on Thursday along with Charleston native and actress Jennifer Garner who is also a Save the Children Ambassador. Garner has spent years helping Calhoun and WV children. They are expected to arrive late Thursday morning at Yeager Airport and later visit Arnoldsburg Elementary School at 12:45 p.m., as well as a vaccination center at Capital High School. The first lady is expected to meet with West Virginia National Guard members and their families before she departs from Charleston early Thursday evening. |