Will drought conditions mute the color of the autumn woods.

Reports are indicating that the awe inspiring brightness with the turning of leaves may only be a mooted brown and gray, with leaves then just falling to the ground.

In West Virginia's highlands the leaf color is sorta dismal.

But maybe there will be a few surprises for us who have held close to the awesome color of fall.

During the past 25 years, here in Calhoun, the glorious colors have continued to become more muted.

But we can always throwback to some great fall photos published on the Herald a few years back.

Mt. Zion morning sun announces the coming
of an Autumn Week in Sunny Cal

Mary Ann Tilton and Anita Vannoy snapped this
photo from the walking trail at Calhoun Park

Bright autumn sun reflects autumn woods
in Calhoun Park pond (Photo by Anita Vannoy)

Broomstick road surrounded by falling
leaves (Photo by Esther Wilson)