The dedicated World War II War Memorial, Washington, DC
The dedication of the World War II Memorial in 2004 was none too early, with the
old veterans passing by the thousands every day. Mike Ritchie, former Director of the
Calhoun County Committee on Aging, established a "Last Man Standing" for
the old vets who were in that perilous conflict that shook the world.
Calhoun County had among the highest number of WWII vets, per capita, in the USA.
Interest in vet's groups like the VFW and the American Legion are fading, mostly
because their old soldier members are passing away. While Americans get riled
with patriotism, it seems quick lived, as least in outward displays. Few come
forward to events designed to remember their sacrifice.
Walls of Remembrance have been created in Calhoun at the VFW and the Senior
Center, photographs of Calhoun men who served and many who died.
Their faces
look so young and full of life.

Wall of Soldiers at Grantsville's Senior Center

Wall of Soldiers at Grantsville's VFW
Fading are memories of these men from the "greatest generation."
Journalist Tom Brokaw wrote:
"In the spring of 1984, I went to the northwest of France, to Normandy, to prepare
an NBC documentary on the fortieth anniversary of D-Day, the massive and daring
Allied invasion of Europe that marked the beginning of the end of Adolf Hitler's
Third Reich."
"There, I underwent a life-changing experience. As I walked the beaches with the
American veterans who had returned for this anniversary, men in their sixties and
seventies, and listened to their stories, I was deeply moved and profoundly
grateful for all they had done."
"Ten years later, I returned to Normandy for the fiftieth anniversary of the
invasion, and by then I had come to understand what this generation of
Americans meant to history. It is, I believe, the greatest generation any society
has ever produced."
Brokaw in his book writes about America's citizen heroes and heroines who came
of age during the Great Depression and the Second World War and went on to
build modern America.
This generation was united not only by a common purpose, but also by common
values -- duty, honor, economy, courage, service, love of family and country, and,
above all, responsibility for oneself.
Washington's World War II Memorial will hopefully remind us of their service in a
just and honorable cause.
A large number Calhoun soldiers are on the World War II Hall Of Service:
Goodman Aaron Charles E. Adams Arthur George Alexander
Johnie Alfred Clyde Allen Gorden D. Allen
Harold Allen James B. Allen Lewis A. Allen
Teddy A. Allen Harry A. Altizer Delbert J. Amos
Arlington G. Anderson Arthur Anderson Calvin Anderson
Carl E. Anderson Dan C. Anderson Daniel L. Anderson
Ernest Paul Anderson George Anderson Henry D. Anderson
Hershel J. Anderson Lemuel F. Anderson, Jr. Raymond O. Anderson
William C. Anderson Wilson Anderson Clay H. Arnold
Denver W. Arnold Everette E. Arnold Glen R. Arnold
James D. Arnold John W. Arnold Lester Darold Arnold
Melvin Dennis Arnold Paul E. Arnold Chester A. Arnold
Paul E. Arnold Chester A. Arthur Warren Arthur
Jesse W. Ash Willie P. Ash James K. Atkinson
Zella Auldrich Austin E. Ayers Foster A. Ayers
Russel Vane Ayers Vernon Elihu Ayers Charter Badgett
Chesley R. Bailey Curtis Calvin Bailey Denzel Bailey
Donovan J. Bailey Encil Bailey Harley Bailey
James Waldo Bailey Noah D. Bailey Pascal D. Bailey, Jr.
Paul Gordon Bailey Ronzel L. Bailey Wheeler Bailey
Winfield Bailey Albert E. Bailey Denzil M. Bailey
Dexter Ball Donald M. Ball George Edward Ball
Gladys Ball Harold Ball Helen E. Ball
Kenneth C. Ball Wilford R. Ball Abe Barker Ball, Albert
Burl Barnes Clyde B. Barnes Fred O. Barnes
George Rexie Barnes Ralph McClelland Barnes Thurl Barnes
Wellington Barnes William R. Barnes Alfred Howard Barr
Don Barr Frank Kenny Barr Olin James Barrows
Eugene Paul Bartlett Harley F. Bartlett Ray Francis Bartlett
Starling N. Bartlett William Edward Bartlett Alice Basnett
Hale J. Basnett Harley Basnett James Basnett
Ray Basnett Robert Basnett William Marshall Basnett
David F. Becker Howard R. Bee Gerald O. Belknap
Alton K. Bell Bruce Bell, Jr. Emmett H. Bell
John V. Bell Kenneth R. Bell Loren P. Bell
Norman R. Bell Olin Lloyd Bell Kenneth J. Belt
Arnie L. Bennett Forest B. Bennett Harold C. Bennett
Hazel Bennett John W. Bennett Marcellus Bennett
Maurice H. Bennett Ray W. Bennett Robert F. Bennett
Rolland Eugene Bennett William E. Bennett Woodrow Bennett
Donzel Ernest Betts Kenard Betts Ray Betts
James C. Billey Charles E. Bills Daniel James Bills
Frank Billy Thomas E. Bishop Victor R. Bishop
Wade Bishop Linsa Blair Doyle Blake
Lenna Blake Woodrow W. Blake Burl Bland
Murl Bland Donald Ralph Blankenship Forest C. Blankenship
Louis L. Blankenship Claude Board, Jr. Denver L. Board
Victor M. Board Calvin C. Boatright Claude L. Boatright
Hildreth Boatright James D. Boatright Olis Boatright
Orlen Boatright Raymond H. Boatright Vaughn Boatright
Brenton Boggs Charles E. Boggs Clyde Boggs
Hiawatha Boggs Ray D. Boggs Raymon Boggs
Raymond L. Boggs Robert E. Boggs Manford Boise
John S. Boling Tyler R. Boling Charles Lynn Bohrer
Charles E. Booher Deward Booher Don Booher
Lonzo Booher Delbert Booher Verdon P. Boone
Hill Bourne Owen Duffie Bourne Edwin N. Bowe
Brettney H. Bower Carl Hayden Bower Dan E. Bower
Emitt W. Bower Eugene Bradford Bower Harlan G. Bower
Hayward F. Bower Oral Bower Woodrow O. Bower
Bernard E. Brady Guy W. Brake Icle J. Brake
Arlen R. Brannon Arley D. Brannon Howard V. Brannon
Ralph H. Branson Ernest G. Brooks Rector Shadrick Brown
Sheridan General Brown Shirley J. Brown Buford Virgil Bryner
James H. Bryner Kenneth Lewis Buck Bruce E. Bullard
Charles J. Burch William Bower Burns Elton Burroughs
Clifford R. Burrows James L. Burrows Lee A. Burrows
Thurl H. Burrows Truslow R. Burrows Verl Burrows
William Gilbert Burrows Roscoe H. Busch William H. Busch
David B. Bush Donald Claude Bush Ernest Bush, Jr.
Clifford Woodrow Butler Lloyd Butler Milton Lafayette Butler
Thurman E. Butler Willie F. Butler Francis E. Cain
Blaine L. Calhoun Robert Larrie Camp Glenn W. Campbell
Milfred G. Campbell Okey J. Campbell Robert M. Campbell
Afton Roy Carpenter Baliss R. Carpenter Cecil M. Carpenter
Clarence W. Carpenter Commodore Carpenter Gay Carpenter
Harry Carpenter Oda Eugene Carpenter Rex Carpenter
William Carpenter Woodrow Carpenter Charles R. Carr
Hobert Carr Lawrence George Carr Raymond Carr
Emmett A. Cart Robert L. Carter Thurman B. Carter
Chester A. Champ Raymond L. Champ Charles Fenton Chenoweth
Charles N. Chenoweth Eleanor Chenoweth Gordon G. Chenoweth
John K. Chenoweth Robert Carl Chenoweth Cecil Church
Fred S. Church Harry Church George H. Clevenger
Meade Clevenger, Jr. Adam G. Clowser Claude Coberly
Alonzo L. Coen Cluster Coen Lovell F. Coen
Fred Cogar Glen Cogar Lemmie S. Cogar
Paul E. Cogar Arley D. Collins Arnett Collins, Jr.
Delbert Odis Collins Delmas E. Collins Ernest D. Collins
Grover H. Collins Robert L. Collins Rome Collins
Thomas Jefferson Collins William J. Collins Darrell Conley
Denver V. Conley Donald V. Conley Gary Louden Conley
Howard J. Conley John W. Conley Levi D. Conley
Ralph R. Conley Ray Conley Berkley Conner
Paul Conner Gail Leroy Connolly Paul F. Connolly
William D. Conrad John Martin Cook Freddie J. Coon
Arden Bradley Cooper Bernard J. Cooper Boyd L. Cooper
David Cooper Fred Spurgeon Cooper Harry W. Cooper
Hubert E. Cooper Loura T. Cooper Ralph E. Cooper
Samuel E. Cooper Steven A. Cooper Arlie J. Cottrell
Daris J. Cottrell Dawson R. Cottrell Denzle Cottrell
Ernest Cottrell Emory Cottrell Jesse D. Cottrell
Lawrence Cottrell Maxsell D. Cottrell Okey L. Cottrell
Robert H. Cottrell Billy L. Craddock Cecil Craddock
Forrest R. Craddock Roy D. Craddock Samuel Nelson Craddock
Shirley D. Craddock Calvin R. Crawford Earl Crawford
Harold Crawford Tracy G. Crawford Veon Crawford
William T. Crawford Woodrow Crawford Aaron W. Criss
Edgar C. Criss Harry L. Criss James R. Criss
Lucille Criss Raymond Criss Walter A. Criss
Woodrow Criss Delbert R. Cross Edmond L. Cross
John O. Cross Robert C. Cross Walter E. Cross
Worthy A. Cross Arlan O. Cunningham Chester Cunningham
Forest (Paul) Cunningham Harold Cunningham Harman R. Cunningham
Harry Cunningham Jennings R. Cunningham Leroy G. Cunningham
Lester L. Cunningham Roy L. Cunningham Sterling J. Cunningham
Trevie Cunningham William C. Cunningham William R. Cunningham
Orbert C. Curtiss John Gusta Dandos Delbert Hugh Davis
Duane C. Davis Earl E. Davis Eddie Davis
Fred R. Davis Hollie Davis John Davis, Jr.
John Clarence Davis Okey Davis Ruben Davis
Garold E. Davisson Worthy G. Davis Glen Davis
Harold Richard Dawson James L. Dawson John Dawson
Forest Deel, Jr. John H. Deel Maxcel Deel
Donzel Deweese Rex L. Deweese Ronzel Deweese
Herbert D. Dickey Ernest O. Digman Ervin O. Digman
Hetsel Digman Larry Digman William D. Dillon
James W. Divers Ralph Captain Dix Clarence E. Dobbins
Raymond E. Dolly Stanley O. D'Orazio George D. Dotson
Harry G. Douglas Ray Downey Burl Downs
Clyde Downs Paige Downs Virgil V. Drake
Ethyl Wilson Duffield Boyd H. Duskey Charles Duskey, Jr.
Clyde W. Duskey George G. Duskey George Duskey, Jr.
John Duskey Robert B. Duskey Russell W. Duskey
William C. Duskey Dale Dye Doil C. Dye
Everett H. Dye Glen Dye Johnny O. Dye
William C. Dye Holly D. Eagle Donald Edgell
Ernest R. Edgell Jennings E. Edgell Lora V. Edgell
Doyle Stump Elliott Ernest W. Elliott Hulbert C. Elliott
Jack F. Elliott John W. Elliott Melba Elliott
Robert Woodford Elliott Tracy D. Elliott Victor Elliott
William L. Ellis Aundrel C. Ellison Charles E. Ellison
Leo J. Ellison Ivan C. Erwin Jesse G. Evans, Jr.
Walter W. Evans Charles R. Everson Arliss Ewing
Thurman Falls William Clark Farrar Lester E. Farrell Dewey Ferrell
Merle W. Faulkner Lelia M. Fay (Hathaway) (Rose) Roy Fenchman
Teddy Ferrebee Bruce H. Ferrell Carl H. Ferrell
Harold V. Ferrell Willard M. Ferrell Denver W. Fields
Cecil Finchman Guy Paul Fleming John Carl Fleming
Thurman H. Flesher Howard L. Flinn Chester Fluharty
Edward D. Fluharty Rhayner Keith Fluharty Wallace Miller Fluharty
Brooks E. Ford Ransel H. Ford Arnise Fowler
Dale C. Fowler Duane Gray Fowler Durward L. Fowler
Edward Fowler Foster Doyle Fowler Glen Virgil Fowler
Ira D. Fowler Leonard Fowler Obert Fowler
Garold F. Fox Clifford Frame Gail A. Francis
Hall V. Francis Robert M. Francis Whitt R. Francis
Chester L. Frederick Howard K. Frederick James L. Frederick
Norman E. Frederick Arzie Freed Dallas Freed
Delmas G. Freed Erschel B. Freed James W. Freed
Clayton Clifton French Carl Freshour Daniel B. Freshour
Lora Freshour Paul Elmer Freshour Willis Arthur Frymyer
Forrest W. Fulks Howard B. Funk Allen Burl Gainer
Alvin Dye Gainer A. L. "Jinks" Gainer Artie Gainer
Everett Gainer, Jr. Frank Gainer George L. Gainer
Helen Gainer Roscoe D. Gainer Vance Glen Gainer
Willis Gerald Gainer John J. Garrett, Jr. Willard Garrett
Denver Garretson James M. Garretson Willard R. Geer
Roy M. Geho Carlos M. Gherke Whitt Gherke
Clyde Edwin Gibson David Gibson Eugene L. Gibson
George A. Gibson Leon F. Gibson Orlando Gibson
James H. Gill Charles S. Givens Coy Givens
Arlan Godfrey Dolan A. Godfrey Henry J. Godfrey
Laymon Junior Godfrey Roland J. Godfrey Waitman T. W. Godfrey
Ford P. Goodnight Johnnie Goodnight Olen M. Goodnight
Woodrow Goodnight Delford Goodrich Paul M. Goslee
John Gotinsky Joseph Grant Franklin C. Grayam
Elbert H. Greathouse Ernest L. Greathouse Garland C. Greathouse
James Scott Greathouse Shirley D. Greathouse Shirley O. Greathouse
Harvey L. Green Oval C. Gribble Buster F. Griffin
Howard N. Grimm Brooks W. Groves Earl Groves
William C. Grudier Robert F. Gump Dale Gunn
Delbert A. Gunn Denzal C. Gunn Dewitt G. Gunn
Donald Gunn Forrest Gunn Ivan V. Gunn
Donald Dewitt Haddox Morgan G. Haddox Bernard Hall
Cecil Hall Cecil C. Hall Clarence Edward Hall
Clifford E. Hall Drexel E. Hall Elmer O. Hall
Freer R. Hall Henry C. Hall James Elmer Hall, Jr.
James H. Hall John W. Hall Lawrence L. Hall
Lonzo Hall Randal Hall Rex Hall
Wheeler G. Hall Wilbur Hall Woodrow E. Hall
Edward C. Hamilton George Linn Hamilton Harold C. Hamilton
Howard Hamilton John M. Hamilton John W. Hamilton
Lorentz C. Hamilton, Jr. Richard Hamilton Victor Hamilton
William K. Hamilton Paul Bernard Hammer Albert J. Hamric
Harold Hamrick, Jr. Ruffner Gearld Hamrick Russell D. Hamrick
Argle B. Hannah James H. Hannah Robert David Hannah
Bennie E. Harden Alfred Thomas Hardman George W. Hardman
Paul Jackson Hardman Thomas N. Hardman William I. Hardman
Casto Hardway Donald D. Hardway Gene P. Hardway
Dennis B. Harold Walter C. Harold James B. Harris
James L. Harris Ray N. Harris Simon N. Harris
Thurl F. Harris William R. Harris Glenn C. Hartley
Boyd Hartshorn Ernest L. Hartshorn Oval Hartshorn
Wayne Eugene Hatfield Audy D. Hathaway Cleo E. Hathaway
David B. Hathaway Edward G. Hathaway Eugene C. Hathaway
Frederick H. Hathaway Ira D. Hathaway, Jr. Lennis Hathaway
Lewis G. Hathaway Ophard Hathaway Orest Hathaway
William F. Hathaway William Howard Hathaway Elliott M. Haught
Joseph W. Haught Bernard L. Hawkey Cecil L. Hawkins
Albert K. Hayhurst John G. Hayhurst Francis L. Haymaker
Leon V. Haymaker Bernard R. Hays George J. Hays
George R. Hays Samuel A. Hays Lern Headley
Shade I. Hedges Chester B. Heffner Mary J. (Reed) Hefner
William L. Hefner Denver R. Heiney Donald H. Heiney
Forest Levere Heiney Henry Harris Heiney, Jr. Jennings P. Helmic
Spencer Ray Helmic William Helmick Luther T. Hendershot
Ernest L. Hendrickson John C. Hersman Romeo W. Hersman
Clarence D. Hickman Glenard O. Hickman Leonard Grant Hickman
Lorus Hickman Orel Bronson Hickman Orless Hickman
Shirley Rufus Hickman Benjamin C. Hicks Bronzel D. Hicks
Evert D. Hicks Freddie E. Hicks Junior Lemon Hicks
Ralph Edward Hicks Earl L. Hildreth Olin Hill
Alfred R. Holbert, Jr. Donald Eugene Holbert Milfred D. Holbert
Paul Monroe Holbert William B. Holbert William R. Holbert
Warren R. Holcomb John Holpp, Jr. Lewis Franklin Holpp
Charles R. Holmes Johnnie W. Hood Glennis O. Hoover
Rex Hoover Joseph C. Hopkins Olen Tibertis Hopkins
Donald Wade Hosey Ernest F. Hosey George Hosey
Joe G. Hosey John Q. Hosey Lorrin L. Hosey
Shirley M. Hosey Vere E. Hoskins Charles Garrett Houchin
Chester M. Houchin Grover Houchin, Jr. Dewey McKinley Howes
Otto N. Howes Hale G. Huffman Harold A. Huffman
Denzil C. Hughes Dorsey E. Hughes Ersel L. Hughes
Mansel G. Hughes Oral B. Hughes Russell Hunt
Waldo B. Hunt Claude Edwin Hupp Charles E. Husk
Commodore W. Husk Ersel Husk Leno S. Husk
Samuel G. Husk Simon J. Husk Howard D. Ice
Gwendolyn M. Jackson Robert Murry Jackson Bruce Garell Jarvis
Carl B. Jarvis Charles A. Jarvis Dencil M. Jarvis
Denver C. Jarvis Donald Earl Jarvis Donzel Curtis Jarvis
Ernest Jarvis Estine Clode Jarvis Garland H. Jarvis
Genole Jennings Jarvis Henry M. Jarvis James H. Jarvis
Jennings B. Jarvis Joseph L. Jarvis, Sr. Lester Dwight Jarvis
Otto W. Jarvis Robert Jarvis Ronzel L. Jarvis
Thomas W. Jarvis Una Jarvis Vance Jarvis
William E. Jarvis William Glenn Jarvis Willis D. Jarvis
Fred W. Jennings William Paul Jett Emmett Johnson
Harold O. Johnson Herbert D. Johnson Kenneth H. Johnson
Morford Johnson Otis Johnson Ralph Johnson
Waitman Burl Johnson Willard G. Johnson William J. Johnson
Bennie D. Jones Cleo R. Jones Clifford L. Jones
Harley C. Jones Harley H. Jones Harold Jones
Jess W. Jones Lee R. Jones Troy Ray Jones
William C. Jones Arthur G. Keener Carl Keener
Hoyt F. Keeton Elmer G. Keith Gordon Gail Keith
Lowell Keith Elmer A. Kellar John Edward Keller
Blenden M. Kelley Donald B. Kelley Oris A. Kelley
Orval Lawson Kelley Richard Hays Kelley William B. Kelley
Alfred A. Kemper Ernest Harold Kemper James Hatzell Kemper
Hamilton K. Kendall Haymond P. Kendall James K. Kendall
Boyd Kerby Cleo Kerby Denver M. Kerby
Deo Earl Kerby Freddie L. Kerby Garret O. Kerby
Harold J. Kerby Holly G. Kerby Holly R. Kerby
Hubert E. Kerby Joe Kerby Lawrence Kerby
Robert L. Kerby William H. Kerby Woodrow Kerby
Delford Kerns Andy Kight Denver C. Kight
Doris P. Kight Doyle Kight Eudore T. Kight
Freddie C. Kight Glendon B. Kight Harold J. Kight
Henry A. Kight Royal J. Kight Thomas M. Kight
William J. Kight Allen R. King Carl King
Darius D. King Earl B. King George King
Lantis N. King Ottice Orville King Roy T. King
William A. King Eugene H. Kingsbury Earl Kirby
Forest B. Kirby Francis D. Kirby Victor Kirby
Chester C. Knight Edward Knight Gene V. Knight
Glen C. Knight Hobert C. Knight Bernard Knotts
Cecil Knotts Charles A. Knotts Charles H. Knotts
Edward C. Knotts Robert J. Knotts Russell P. Knotts
Scott Knotts Woodrow Knotts Charles W. Kyer
Herbert V. Lamb James Charles Lamb Clifford Lamp
David Henry Lamp James E. Lamp Verlin L. Lane
Marcus A. Langford Herbert L. Lanham Oval B. Lanham
James B. Laughlin Laurence W. Laughlin Lonzo H. Laughlin
Orous Laughlin Roy L. Laughlin Robert G. Law
Russell Calvin Law William Rymer Law William R. Lawson
Byrl C. Layfield Denzel Leach Paul Leach
Charles F. Leggett John P. (Dick) Leggett William Rex Leggett
Don A. Lesher Gay Lesher John W. Lester
Dale F. Levering Christopher C. Lewis Marshall William Limer, Jr.
Calvin C. Linville Preston Linville, Jr. Everett L. Little
Willard Little Robert B. Lockney Harold Looney
Ralph Looney Jessie Lowers Dudley David Lutz
Tommy Lutz Harry W. Luzader Darwin Lynch
Donald Lynch Harley J. Lynch Hobart M. Lynch
James J. Lynch Robert Lynch Samuel F. Lynch
Denzil Mace Edwin E. Mace Garland D.
Glen Faris Mace, Sr. Hobert G. Mace Hubert L. Mace
Leslie Calvert Mace William H. Mace James H. Mahaney
Paul H. Mahaney Albert B. Marks Alden P. Marks
Bissel E. Marks Ernest Poling Marks Jacob Blaine Marks
Leon Marks Ross Edward (Bill) Marks Smith Marks
David F. Marshall Harold J. Marshall James D. Marshall
John T. Marshall Leonard Blane Marshall Virginia Hyatt Marshall
Walter Marshall William B. Marshall William V. Martyn
James O. Masters Forest Earl Mathers Carl Mathess
William J. Mathews, Jr. Hartley May Hobert C. May
Morgan M. May Ivan L. Mayne William O. Mayne
Cofer Maze Donald W. Maze Okey B. Maze
William G. Maze Leon McCartney Loren McCartney
Rood P. McCartney Ariel E. McClain, Jr. Irvin S. McClain
Dell F. McCoy George W. McCoy James Arden McCoy
Robert C. McCoy Charles W. McCray Jefry C. McCumbers
Shirley D. McCumbers Thomas E. McCumbers Alva McCune
Bruce McCune Dow McCune Hershel V. McCune
Moter R. McCune Norville McCune Roscoe F. McCune
Daniel C. McDonald Roxie Gail (Mills) McDonald Paul H. McEndree
Don C. McGlothlin Arco E. McKee Earl C. McKee
Gordon D. McKee Clarence G. McKown Donald D. McKown
Lee McKown, Jr. William H. McMillion Cecil McWilliams
Newton McWilliams Oras D. McWilliams Shirley F. McWilliams
Alva J. Meadows Dwight L. Meadows Grover G. Meadows
Oris D. Meadows Paul L. Meadows Roy E. Meadows
Ennis Means Estel Metheney Frank Metheney
Lester C. Metheney Oral F. Metheney Carl Lee Metz
Charles L. Metz Charles O. Metz Daniel M. Metz
Forrest B. Metz Henry R. Metz Jesse David Metz
Lennie B. Metz Orvel A. Metz Robert L. Metz
Russell Metz Shirley G. Metz William Thurl Metz
Carl W. Miller Chester P. Miller Doyle J. Miller
Gilbert W. Miller Gordon J. Miller Greenville Miller
Guy McDonald Miller John Miller Norval J. Miller
Odus Miller Ordal G. Miller Roy Miller
Samuel G. Miller, Jr. William B. Miller A. Jerald Mills
Ernest M. Mills Herbert B. Mills Ervan Victory Minney
Jennings L. Mollohan Vernon Mollohan Henry C. Moneypenny
Sammie Montana Haymond G. Moore Willard H. Moore
Bernard E. Moran Charles O. Moran Cecil H. Morehead
Evan E. Morehead James E. Morford John W. Morford
Bob Morgan Quinton P. Morgan Roma M. Morgan
Charles G. Morrell Carl R. Morris Donald W. Morris
Jeptha D. Morrison Donald R. Moss Cephas Mowrey
Edward E. Murphy Garrison J. Murphy Lester R. Murphy
Lehman Everett Myers Maynard E. Nelson Junior Ardel Nester
Donald Newell Frederick G. Newell Jerald Newell, Jr.
Tommy W. Newell Cleston Hale Nicholas Francis Nicholas
Hall O. Nicholas Nyle W. Nicholas Orda Nicholas
Ashby H. Nichols Brown Nichols Chester Nichols
Milford K. Nichols Oral Nichols Paul Nichols
Samuel N. Nicholson Carl V. Nitz Otis Nitz
William Foster Nitz Holly E. Norman Clay L. Nutter
Deo E. Nutter Foster F. Nutter Gail Nutter
Lexie L. Nutter Robert George Nutter Donald M. O'Brien
Charles W. Offutt Denver Clyde Offutt Deward L. Offutt
John Norman Oles Joseph Gary Oles Lynn Scott Oles, Jr.
William Carl Osborne Ottmer W. Owens Wesley Owens, Jr.
Blaine Parsons Brady Parsons Charles Junior Parsons
Denzil Jack Parsons Donald O. Parsons George Parsons
Howard H. Parsons John W. Parsons Levi Parsons
Lloyd Parsons, Jr. Marlo Parsons Okey D. Parsons
Ollie J. Parsons Orlando Parsons Paris Parsons
Ronzel R. Parsons William Worth Pell Bernard B. Perkins
Allen L. Phillips Benjamin F. Phillips Elmer R. Phillips
Edward Plant Jeffie Plant Roy Leetice Plant
Wilbur W. Plant Ellsworth C. Poling Glenn C. Poling
Lauren Poling Worthington E. Poling Merrill S. Pollack
Emory Edward Poole Frederick Poole, Jr. Bee E. Postalwait
Bernard F. Postalwait Boyd Glenn Powell Gail O. Powell
Jessie Isaac Powell Paul B. Powell Franklin Vere Price
Odus Coy Price Paul B. Price Smith A. Price
Victor C. Price George J. Propst John T. Propst
Millard F. Propst Harold Barr Proudfoot Austin W. Pugh
George Quickle Steve Rabogia Ernest A. Radabaugh
Marshall E. Rader Corbit Ray Edward Ray
Kenneth Raybuck Kester L. Raybuck Charles W. Reading
Bill Reed Ferrell Reed Loyd Reed, Jr.
Willard W. Reed Woodrow P. Reed Glen Reese
Mary Hope Reip Eugene W. Reynolds Lewie C. Reynolds
Neil C. Rhodes Robert R. Rhodes Adrian H. Richards
Arden C. Richards Carl W. Richards Charles L. Richards
Cleo E. Richards Dorsey Richards Doy M. Richards
Earl Richards Elmer F. Richards Erma W. Richards
Ernest S. Richards Eudore D. Richards Freeman Richards
Hagan Winfield Richards Hal A. Richards Hayward G. Richards
Holly A. Richards Ivan C. Richards Ivan M. Richards
James M. Richards James M. Richards Lawrence Richards
Lee Richards Mack Richards, Jr. Orla F. Richards
Stephen C. Richards Sylvester O. Richards Theodore Richards
Thomas J. Richards Tracy K. Richards Walter C. Richards
Woodrow Richards Thomas Richardson Benjamin Franklin Riddel
Dale W. Riddel John G. Riddel Alpha G. Riddle
Arden Riddle Gilbert L. Riddle Hale Riddle
Howard F. Riddle Paul Virgil Riddle William D. Riddle
Donald V. Riggs Henry V. Riggs James G. Riggs
Leo V. Riggs Donald Rine Omro Willard Rinehart, Jr.
Dale Ritchie Denver Doil Ritchie Marshall G. Ritchie
Denver D. Roach Doyle Glen Roach Ogle Roach
Austin Roberts Belford Roberts Charles William Roberts
Denver Dale Roberts Don Carl Roberts Forest Roberts
Guy R. Roberts Horace J. Roberts John Denver Roberts
Lane K. Roberts Lorous I. Roberts Lorren F. Roberts
R. Oran Roberts Teddy A. Roberts Cleo Darrell Robinson
Harold Victor Robinson Herbert H. Robinson Kail W. Robinson
Kenneth H. Robinson Robert R. Robinson Benton M. Rogers
Bryan Rogers Frederick Alfred Rogers, Jr. George Rogers
James Bucy Rogers James Robert Rogers John Rogers
John Clark Rogers Lendol P. Rogers Oral E. Rogers
Russell Rogers Thurl (Emory) Rogers Virgil R. Rogers
William R. Rogers Robert H. Rose William Ross Rose
Okey Rowan Charles A. Runnion Robert Runnion
James R. Russell Carl Sampson Clyde F. Sampson
Franklin O. Sampson Franklin S. Sampson George E. Sampson
Harley H. Sampson Holly D. Sampson James D. Sampson
Leo Sampson Leslie E. Sampson Oral G. Sampson
Ralph J. Sampson Randall D. Sampson Roscoe B. Sampson
Wilburn W. Sampson Charles E. Saunders Chester P. Saunders
Harold H. Saunders Howard R. Saunders Orval R. Saunders
Seymour J. Scarpellini Walter M. Schartiger Denzil R. Schoolcraft
Guy Gordon Schoolcraft Rue Schoolcraft William D. Schoolcraft
Rex Schreckengost Delbert Scott Millard C. Scott
Dolan C. Sears Dorsey V. Sears Edward Sears
Ezra D. Sears Frank A. Sears Clarence E. Shaffer
Kenneth R. Shaffer Robert Edwin Shaffer Robert O. Shaffer
William R. Shaffer Oscar L. Shields Denzil L. Shock
Frederick L. Shock Willard Shock Dexter F. Shrader
Howard Shrader Wilmer E. Shrader Ernest Wylie Sickle
Olen O. Sickle Thomas N. Sickle Arno C. Siers
Bernard Siers Denver C. Siers Doy M. Siers
Edward Siers Ernest H. Siers Frank A. Siers
Ray L. Siers Rector F. Siers Sherwood C. Siers
Shirley J. Siers Dallas Siers Earl W. Simmons
Everett M. Simons Oscar Simmons William D. Sims
Andrew K. Slider Cleo D. Slider Ernest R. Slider
George E. Slider Harley D. Slider Harry Slider
Roscoe Glendale Slider Salathial D. Slider Virgil Slider
William J. Slider Albert Monroe Smith Calvin L. Smith
David A. Smith Denzil E. Smith Duane W. Smith
Edward M. Smith George Seaton Smith Glendale W. Smith
Harry H. Smith Hobert B. Smith Ivan E. Smith
James Shirley Smith Lester H. Smith Lewis E. Smith
Edward Mont Smith Paul R. Smith Robert B. Smith
Robert G. Smith Roy Smith Victor O. Smith
Walter Edward Smith Calvin W. Snider Dennis E. Snider
Martin J. Snider Mildred Snider Robert P. Snider
Shirley Snider James Edward Snyder John H. Snyder
William A. Snyder Ralph T. Spangler Hayward Earl Stafford
Charles R. Stalnaker Euell Stalnaker James O. Stalnaker
Marvin F. Stalnaker William Arnold Stalnaker William Harley Stalnaker
Thomas L. Stamp Albert Gene Starcher Andrew J. Starcher
Audra C. Starcher Basil E. Starcher Bernard D. Starcher
Cecil Starcher Cecil D. Starcher Charles Floyd Starcher
Chester Darwin Starcher Chester D. Starcher Clifford Starcher
Dale H. Starcher Dennis Hays Starcher Denver Rondel Starcher
Donald G. Starcher Edwin Starcher Ernest H. Starcher
Ferd Starcher Foster Starcher Foster Eugene Starcher
Fred E. Starcher George W. Starcher Glen Starcher
Glen L. Starcher Harold Starcher Jasper T. Starcher
Jess W. Starcher John E. Starcher Kenneth W. Starcher
Martin L. Starcher Okey E. Starcher Othel H. Starcher
Victor C. Starcher Victor D. Starcher Walter H. Starcher
William B. Starcher Chester Morgan Starkey William B. Starkey
Andrew J. Stemple, Jr. Asa Andrew Stemple Forest F. Stemple
Glen W. Stemple Ira D. Stemple Leo Stemple
Rufus Stemple Delbert C. Stevens Earl Stevens
Festus Stevens Hatsel L. Stevens James Stevens
Sheldon C. Stevens Donald Vane Stewart Junior H. Stewart
Hubert F. Stockwell Don Stone Bernard Stout
Denzil Clarence Stout Earlene Stout Eugene Stout
Joseph A. Stout Boyd E. Stout Alvin Stump, Jr.
Baxter M. Stump Bernard O. Stump Blain Stump
Calden Eugene Stump Charles Albert Stump Clair S. Stump
Denver Stump Deward Stump Earl W. Stump
Edwin Eugene Stump Elwood C. Stump Elza H. Stump
Fred Pell Stump George C. Stump Harlan F. Stump
Hatzel L. Stump> Hollie Stump Howard Stump, Jr.
Hughart W. Stump Ira C. Stump Jack Dale Stump
Jesse Wilson Stump Leon L. Stump Leon W. Stump
Loren G. Stump Louis Bernard Stump Madison H. Stump
Milford C. Stump Odell Stump Otis M. Stump
Randolph R. Stump Robert Fleming Stump Roy D. Stump
Roy L. Stump Rubert W. Stump Russell Stump
Waitman Stump Warder Everett Stump, Jr. William A. Stump
Bernard Sturm Cecil Forest Sturm Dennis Derius Sturm
Denver Sturm Donald E. Sturm Fred O. Sturm
Henry L. Sturm Jesse Sturm Lewis C. Sturm
Roy Sturm, Jr. William Ray Sturm Clay Sturms, Jr.
Earl L. Stutler Mack J. Stutler Ralph D. Stutler
Ralph H. Stutler Warren H. Stutler William Morris Stutler
Charles F. Summers Harry Summers Howard Alpha Summers
Jesse Summers Oswald D. Summers Ronzel C. Summers
Albert J. Sutphin Oscar W. Swanson George W. Talkington
Ernest L. Tanner Owen T. Tanner Sheridan H. Tanner
Virgil Tanner William A. Tanner Charles F. Taylor
Elmer P. Taylor Herbert H. Taylor Robert Dail Taylor
Russell H. Taylor Wiley Taylor, Jr. Woodrow D. Taylor
Charles J. Taylor Arlie L. Tingler Leonard E. Tingler
Ona C. Tingler Paul D. Tingler Arthur B. Treadway
Arles W. Truman Clark A. Tucker Gene Tucker
Homer Tucker James Tucker Loyd Tucker
Robert B. Tucker Virgil E. Tucker Elias F. Tuttle
Simon Tuttle Duane Uldrich Eucal Uldrich
Rayon Uldrich Zella Uldrich Harold Ullum
Hoyt Randolph Umstead Robert L. Umstead Ruth Umstead
Cora Mae Valentine Freddie Eugene VanCamp Lloyd Vandall
Earl VanHorn Leavy Oressie VanHorn William R. Vankirk
Delbert Vannoy Edward O. Vannoy Emanuel Vannoy
Oval Vannoy Paul Vannoy Lloyd Vaughan
Terry D. Vaughn Robert J. Vincent Hoy M. Vineyard
Roy J. Virden, Jr. Eugene Wade Hayward Leon Wade
James W. Wade Kenneth Wade Weldon Dean Wager
Anderson Ervin Wagoner Earl Edward Wagoner Earsel Dare Wagoner
Ernest Elsworth Wagoner Eugene Eagoner Everett Wagoner
Oren Wagoner Ray Waldo, Jr. Robert Waldo
Carl W. Walker Poe Walker Roy H. Walker
Thelbert Thurl Walker Vernon O. Walker Bernard E. Wallbrown
Dale W. Wallbrown Denver S. Wallbrown Willie A. Wallbrown
Arley E. Ward Bernard H. Ward Archibald D. Watkins
Charles M. Watkins Loyd Watkins Ronzel Watkins
Joseph G. Wayne Robert L. Wayne Delbert D. Wears
Everett L. Wears Raymond Wears Wilbur Wears
Bernard D. Wease Darrell Wease Donald Wease
James C. Wease Carlton D. Weaver Ernest Harding Weaver
Holten V. Weaver James Lauren Weaver John Delbert Weaver
John Junior Weaver Lowell Ewing Weaver William C. Weaver
Hartzel Webb Alva E. Webster Booney E. Weekley
Robert D. Weekley Ronzel H. Weekley Tusca S. Weekly
Charles Delmar Welch Edward Welch Henry Madison Welch
Ivan Welch James Welch Glenn E. Wells
Herbert T. Wells Willard L. Wells Hartis G. West
James J. West Willard West Junior S. Westfall
Robert Westfall, Jr. Baine G. Whipkey Donzel Whipkey
Kester Whipkey Ralph Whipkey Raymond Whipkey
Wilber E. Whipkey Darrell E. White Donald K. White
Ernest White John C. White Ruffner White
Samuel L. White Shirley E. White Verdis R. White
Elijah D. Whytsell Eugene H. Whytsell Harry Curtis Whytsell
Harry E. Whytsell Roscoe C. Whytsell Victor E. Whytsell
Victor Earl Whytsell Woodrow W. Whytsell Denzil J. Wilkinson
Otto D. Wilkinson Alva Williams Charles Q. Williams
Dale Williams Denver Williams Donald Williams
Foster G. Williams Harvey J. Williams Harvey O. Williams
James A. Williams Lester Hall Williams Lorin Williams
Luvatis J. Williams Norman D. Williams Pleasant W. Williams
Robert Williams Robert L. Williams Terry Carl Williams
Williamson D. Williams Bailey Wilson Basil R. Wilson
Burley A. Wilson Chester K. Wilson Clarke Anderson Wilson
Dennis W. Wilson Elwin B. Wilson Ernest B. Wilson
Eugene G. Wilson Forrest Gail Wilson Henry C. Wilson
Herbert Wilson Hoy E. Wilson James Carlos Wilson
James E. Wilson James E. Wilson James Lyle Wilson
Jessie Elmore Wilson Luke S. Wilson Melvin V. Wilson
Olis D. Wilson Randall K. Wilson Raymond K. Wilson
Rector Wilson Rhodan R. Wilson Robert E. Wilson
Troy Wilson Velvin V. Wilson Wendell Laman Wilson
Ernest Wilt Ernest R. Wilt Erra Witt
Paul Witte, Jr. Allison R. Wolfe Ernest Clifford Wolfe
Robert N. Wolfe Cecil R. Wolverton Faye Wood
Guy Wood Romeo Wood Paul L. Woodring
Oley Workman Avis G. Wright Carl Wright
Don C. Wright Eugene Wright Guy D. Wright
Harlow Wright Herbert W. Wright Hershel C. Wright
James W. Wright John J. Wright Marion Wright Robert L. Wright
Roy Allen Wright Samuel F. Wright Sexton D. Wright
William G. Wright Woodrow Wright Agnew Thomas Yoak
Delmas E. Yoak Donovan D. Yoak Ellwood Yoak
Harold Ralph Yoak Ira Paul Yoak Ivy V. Yoak
Jack Yoak Joy R. Yoak Morris Charles Yoak
Orval White Yoak, Jr. Roland Leon Yoke