Grantsville Mayor Neil Blankenship has expressed appreciation to the over 50 businesses and individuals who have donated toward the town's Christmas Party for employees.

Blankenship said the town had received over $1000 in cash in addition to gifts which will be "divided equally among town employees."

The mayor said "This speaks well for our town and county."

Blankenship also announced the town had passed a resolution in support of our troops:

"Whereas, there are numerous men and women serving in the military around the world, making our communities and homes safer."

Whereas, our troops are greatly missed by their family, friends and neighbors."

Whereas, we are very thankful for the sacrifice being made by our troops and their families during this holiday season.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Town of Grantsville and its citizens do hereby proclaim our support for our troops and their families, as we pray for their prompt and safe return home."

(Signed) Mayor Niel Blanklenship and Council