OVER $1 MIL REQUESTED FOR ARNOLDSBURG SCHOOL - Arnoldsburg Principal Burge-Tetrick Resigns, Middle School Playground On Hold

Calhoun Schools have requested a $1,200,000 improvement to Arnoldsburg School from the West Virginia School Building Authority. The request was made yesterday, according to administrator Donnie Pitts.

The improvements would include a new cafeteria, kitchen, storage and rest rooms, said Pitts. "While we're hopeful we get the funding, there is a lot of competition," he said.

Arnoldsburg school improvements shown on far left

Calhoun School's received a grant three years ago from the building authority to remodel Pleasant Hill Elementary and install an elevator.

Board member Carlene Frederick told school board members she visited Arnoldsburg school recently, and was concerned about the poor conditions she saw in the school's multi-purpose room. Pitts said there are also problems with the leaking gym roof.

Arnoldsburg's principal Donna Burge-Tetrick has resigned, reportedly to take a position with the State Department of Education. Last night, the Calhoun County Board of Education appointed Donnie Price as a replacement.

Board member Burl Simers inquired about the status of the long-proposed middle school playground at Calhoun Middle/High School. Superintendent Ron Blankenship said construction on the project was at a stand still, with the coming of winter. Donnie Pitts said the rainy summer had slowed earth moving, which is necessary to complete the project.

The board passed policies relating to school board effectiveness and a promotion-retention policy.

Introduced were draft policies and revisions regarding employee leaves and absences, activity student drug testing, graduation requirements and supplemental programs, some of which are state mandated changes.

Chris Morris was hired as assistant varsity wrestling coach.

The next school board meeting is scheduled for December 15th.

Details of last nights board meeting will follow.