There will be a free tutor training workshop in Grantsville on Monday, November
24th at the CRI building in Grantsville to recruit new tutors for the Calhoun County
Laubach Literacy Council.
The workshop will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The training will be facilitated by Judy Bowling, Regional Technical Assistant for West
Virginia Literacy, which is the merged WV Laubach Literacy and Literacy Volunteers of
"Consider giving a holiday gift to your community, and become a volunteer tutor," said Bowling.
Volunteers will be trained to tutor adult basic literacy students who want to
improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will learn basic tutoring techniques
such as phonics, word patterns, and language experience stories. Other topics to be
covered in the training are writing skills, lesson planning, and assessing students.
Literacy tutors meet one-on-one with their students, once or twice a week, for one
or two hours at a time.
Adult students receive homework that they review with their tutor
at each session. Tutors and students meet in a public place such as a library, church or
community building.
According to the National Literacy Adult Literacy Survey, 20% of West
Virginians do not have the skills needed to find an intersection on a map, or fill in basic
information on forms. In Calhoun and Gilmer Counties, 48% of mothers who are heads
of single family households do not have a high school diploma. Everyday skills that we
take for granted such as looking up a phone number, reading a newspaper, or reading a
birthday card, are not possible for many of our family members, friends and neighbors.
For more information about becoming a volunteer tutor, call Calhoun County
Laubach Literacy Council in Grantsville at 354-6151 or Visions, Vessels and Victory in
Sandfork at 462-7744.