Submitted by Deb Goff
On Monday, March 26, 2001, Darris Hupp, CHS junior, set a new mark for
Calhoun students. Darris placed fourth in the Regional Math Field Day
competition held on the campus of WVU-P. This is the highest that any
student in the history of Calhoun High School has ever scored at the
regional level. Each of the eight counties in RESA V could send a
ten-student team to compete. This means that Darris was fourth among
eighty of the best high school math students in Calhoun, Jackson,
Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, and Wood Counties combined.
Darris will be one of ten students in tenth through twelfth grades who
will represent our region in the State Math Field Day competition held
at WVU in Morgantown on Saturday, April 28, 2001. We are exceptionally
proud of Darris and his performance in this event. Darris is the son
of Russell and Regina Hupp of Creston.
Cynthia Wildfire, an eighth grade student at Calhoun Middle School,
scored the highest at the Regional Math Field Day among Calhoun
students in grades seven through nine. Cynthia is accelerated in math
and takes Algebra II at Calhoun High School this term. Cynthia is the
daughter of Mary Wildfire of Minnora.
Matthew Houchin, a fifth grader at Calhoun Middle School, scored
highest at the regional competition among Calhoun fifth and sixth
graders. Matthew is the son of Jeff and Kelley Houchin of
Submitted by Deb Goff
On Monday, March 26, 2001, Darris Hupp, CHS junior, set a new mark for
Calhoun students. Darris placed fourth in the Regional Math Field Day
competition held on the campus of WVU-P. This is the highest that any
student in the history of Calhoun High School has ever scored at the
regional level. Each of the eight counties in RESA V could send a
ten-student team to compete. This means that Darris was fourth among
eighty of the best high school math students in Calhoun, Jackson,
Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, and Wood Counties combined.
Darris will be one of ten students in tenth through twelfth grades who
will represent our region in the State Math Field Day competition held
at WVU in Morgantown on Saturday, April 28, 2001. We are exceptionally
proud of Darris and his performance in this event. Darris is the son
of Russell and Regina Hupp of Creston.
Cynthia Wildfire, an eighth grade student at Calhoun Middle School,
scored the highest at the Regional Math Field Day among Calhoun
students in grades seven through nine. Cynthia is accelerated in math
and takes Algebra II at Calhoun High School this term. Cynthia is the
daughter of Mary Wildfire of Minnora.
Matthew Houchin, a fifth grader at Calhoun Middle School, scored
highest at the regional competition among Calhoun fifth and sixth
graders. Matthew is the son of Jeff and Kelley Houchin of