Submitted by Sandy Osborne, FRN Coordinator 354-7177
The Calhoun Family Resource Network (FRN) says that head lice are becoming a
major obstacle
for the education system in Calhoun County.
Forty-eight cases of head lice have been reported in Calhoun Schools so far this
year. Every student is susceptible.
FRN is helping establish a community-wide attack on the lice problem.
One school reported students missing 20 to
30 days a year due to the lice problem.
This has resulted in several students being retained in the last two years.
"School is well in progress, and considering days missed and loss of instructional
time, we see this as a problem that requires
immediate attention. We request that people of the community be part of the
solution by providing needed items or making a
donation so that we may purchase the items," said FRN Director Sandy
The growing
problem of head lice has become a serious concern across the county.
This problem affects schools in several ways. According to school policy, children
are not allowed to return to school until all nits are removed from the hair. This can
mean excessive absences for students with
chronic head lice.
FRN says the other concern is that teachers are performing the screenings in some
schools, resulting in loss of
instructional time.
The Calhoun County Head Lice Prevention Program has been established in
response to the problem. It is a community-based effort originating from the FRN,
the Department of Health and Human Resources
(DHHR), and Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center (MHHCC).
Treatment of lice and nit-infested individuals and their home environments is
expensive. Many families cannot afford complete and
proper treatment, resulting in re-infestation.
Because head lice are not considered life threatening, service agencies do not
funds to cover the cost of treatment.
FRN, DHHR, and MHHCC are appealing to the community to be able to provide kits,
free of
charge, to people in the county, in an effort to eradicate or alleviate the lice
Kits to be provided to families will include: 1 Lice Removal System (shampoo, egg
remover, household spray), 1 extra can of
Household Spray, 1 Metal Lice Comb*, and Instructions on proper use & cleaning
procedures. (*Removal systems come with a
plastic comb, but medical providers recommend the metal combs are more
effective). A list of local prices is available by calling
the FRN office at 354-7177.
Kits or items are to be delivered to the FRN office at the corner of Court and Mill
Street, under the J&B Drug Store
(entrance in rear of the building). Donations can be made to Calhoun FRN, P. O. Box
620, Grantsville, WV 26147. If you have
questions, call 354-7177.