Submitted by Anita Vannoy
First published Oct. 11, 2003
Both Georgia Stump and Doyle Hupp have since passed
There was plenty of stirrin' to be done at the home of Georgia Stump on Russett Road, last Saturday. Folks came
together to help make the 2003 "turn" of apple butter.
"This old 30 gallon copper kettle, has turned out many a gallon of
apple butter in it's time, and it's not done yet," said Georgia.
It was handed down to her many years ago, and she has
now, handed it down to Doyle Hupp, Sr. But she still does her share in the "making of the apple butter."
Georgia Stump, doing her share of stirrin' this year's turn of apple butter
"It's turned out many a gallon of apple butter"
Doyle, Sr. and Geraldine Hupp at pot, Anita Vannoy in red,
Georgia Stump and Regina Hupp, Russell Hupp in back, provide
"moral support," for Doyle and Russell's constant stirring