Submitted by Larry Stinn
There are some new faces at Pleasant Hill as school begins this year and some
teachers in new grades.
MARY BOWER is our new secretary. Joyce Williams moved to the Central Office.
Mary's husband Darrell recently retired after 22 years in the Calhoun County
Schools maintenance department. They have two adult children, Barbara and Lisa,
and two grandchildren, Ben and Woody. Mary worked as the Brooksville School
secretary several years ago.
TRISH PROPST has taught Pleasant Hill students for many years, most recently
fourth graders. This year she is returning to second grade. Trish and her husband
Mike, who works at Dominion, have two children, Carrie and Zach, both graduates
of Calhoun High School.
KRISTI RITCHIE is moving from first grade to teach our kindergarten students. She
also taught preschool at Pleasant Hill several years ago. She and her husband
Brian have four children. Casey, Cole, Conner are students at Pleasant Hill. Their
new arrival Carter is three months old.
NORMA WAGONER is teaching special education students, a job she has done for
the last 16 years in Roane and Calhoun Counties, first as a paraprofessional and for
the last four years as a teacher.. She and her husband Jeff, who is a beekeeper,
have two children, Athena at the middle school and Jake in high school.
JIM MORGAN is returning this year to teach fourth graders after several years
launching Calhoun's middle school. This is his 24th year teaching in Jackson and
Calhoun, He and his wife Joyce, a nurse at Roane General and CAMC, have three
adult children, Jamie, Sarah and Jennifer, all graduates of Calhoun High