Transcribed by Norma Knotts Shaffer from microfilm of the Calhoun Chronicle dated 6/28/1898.

Stoned Her Neighbor

Last Sunday morning, nearly noon, a strange, tired looking woman, carrying a heavy valise, passed through our town.

Her Hibernian extraction and her unfortunate circumstances were very apparent, but her errand was a subject of wonder on the part of all who saw her pass. An officer, who followed close after her and captured her at the outer edge of town, explained.

The woman, he said, came from one of the Ritchie county oil fields. She was the wife of a pumper, and in fair circumstances at home.

But she had a proverbial Irish temper and a voice for liquor.

She had some quarrelsome neighbors, too, and last Saturday morning, while her head was yet sore with memory of the "good time" she had had the night before, one of the uncongenial spirits across the way said something to her which had the effect of short circuiting the "jag" with the Hibernian temper.

The result was that she gathered all the loose stone and brick about the premises and with them bombarded the neighbor's house until there wasn't a window left whole.

After her wrath was spent the fear of some awful punishment for the rash act she had committed caused her to flee.

The officer - Mr. Snodgrass, well known here - tells us that the poor woman was not wholly to blame for her rash act; that her neighbors did indeed worry her greatly.

He thinks she has been punished almost enough by her own conscience, and hopes to get her off with a light sentence.

Homer Swentzel assisted the officer back with his prisoner as far as Smithville.