The first class included (standing, L to R) Laura Starcher, Lisa Johnson,
Michelle Underwood, Kathleen Mannion, Phyllis Stollings and Kay Mikeal; and
(sitting, L to R) Joseph Mollohan and Douglas Vandall
Laura Starcher is the daughter of William and Patricia Starcher of Five
Forks, Calhoun County. Laura has lived in Charleston 8 years. She
has worked in open-heart recovery 4 1/2 years.
She works now in cardiovasculary surgery. Her
full title is Laura Starcher RN, BSN, CNOR, RNFA.
Eight registered nurses from the operating rooms at CAMC
Memorial Hospital have successfully passed the first West
Virginia-based registered nurse first assistant program course.
Lisa Johnson, Kathleen Mannion, Kay Mikeal, Joseph Mollohan,
Laura Starcher, Phyllis Stollings, Michelle Underwood and
Douglas Vandal completed the course May 17. Each received a
letter and certificate of recognition at a dinner held at the
Charleston Marriott, sponsored by the West Virginia chapter of
RN First Assistants.
The course began Jan. 31. Faculty from Delaware County
Community College came to Charleston one weekend each
month for classroom instruction, coordinated by Dr. Jane
Rothrock. Bing Murphy, RN, surgical services specialist at
Memorial, acted as faculty liaison for the program.
Prerequisites included a minimum of two years of perioperative
experience, certification as an OR nurse, and certification in basic
and advanced cardiac life support.
As first assistants, these RNs can assist surgeons in the
operating room with such tasks as hemostasis and suturing,
among other duties in their expanded
scope of practice.