
The new sub-station for Calhoun's EMS and the Sheriff's Department has been officially opened along Route 16 between Minnora and Orma. Out-going EMS Director Randy Burgess said the mobile home "provides better convenience, water and heat for squad members." He also said there are "security factors" with the squad being located next to houses and a business.

Minnora Center President Donna Jordan issued complaints regarding the sub-station pulling out of Minnora Center. Jordan said EMS did not give the center adequate notice upon leaving the building, but Burgess said he advised Jordan EMS would relocate if the rent was raised.

Burgess told the Calhoun Commission he felt the water was not drinkable and it was often "brown" and his associates would go to another location to take a shower. "I really don't want to have hard feelings about this," he said.

Jordan, in a letter sent to Burgess, explained the critical financial problems facing the Minnora Center. "I am glad the EMS facility is located at this end of the county, and wish you the best of luck at your new location."

Burgess has resigned as Calhoun's EMS Director, according to assistant director Lisa Purvis.

The ownership of the center was recently transferred back to the county because of high insurance costs.