Submitted by Mandee Richards
Albert and Kodijack invite campers to performance
The Hands of Victory puppets from Victory Baptist Church traveled to Cedar Creek State Park on the July 4th
weekend. The Puppeteers performed a variety of Christian songs and skits for the campers at the Recreation Building Friday
evening. The performance was closed out by Assistant Pastor Mac McDonald.
Puppeteers included in the performance were: Whitney Johnson, Jessica Gherke, Kristin Goodrich, J'Nae Carter,
Alexa Richards, Kyler Propst, Mason Propst, Daerra Stull, Melva Stull, Janet Collins, Charlie Richards, Mandee
Richards and Director Shari Johnson. Sound men were: Zane Gherke, Johnny Stull and Jack Stull.
Thanks to all those who helped out in anyway to make the trip a great success!
The puppets sing "God is Bigger"
puppets, carrying the message
The "Quartet" entertains the crowd