
Jim and Duck fry the fish

"What a spread"

Frankie Mowery of the lower, lower West Fork and all her boys
(except Richard, who is in Alaska)
L to R (Front) Glen, Frankie and Tom
(Rear) Steve, Ken, Danny, James and Ron

The Kerby-Connolly-Whytsell reunion was held yesterday at Jim and Juanita Bell's on Phillips Run near Grantsville. "They came out of the woodwork," said Jim, who with Duck Stevens fried fish for his own family. "Look at that food. What a spread!" he exclaimed.

The Connollys go back to the Village of Richardson. "Few will remember old Doc Connolly, who treated the folks in that area in the late 1800's up to about 1920," said Randall Whytsell. He and son left Richardson for Parkersburg. The Kerbys and the Whytsells, they were all over the place years ago.

Hollie Murphy (L) and Randall Whytsell (R)
"Waitin' for horseradish pickles"

Rosemary and Frank Connolly from out-of-state
display their genealogy chart

Jim McCormick (L) and brother Walter, who sprung from
the lower Barnes Run section of Roane-Calhoun

Juanita Bell and Mary Nichols enjoy the day

The reunion continues to grow with folks coming from out of area

And the food...well, it is four star