"ICKY" MAY BE ON THIN ICE - Will Sell E-Mail, Run For Governor And Make Wises' Life Miserable

Phillip "Icky" Frye appeared on a Metro radio talk show a few days ago discussing the affair between his ex-wife and Governor Bob Wise.

Frye said he intended to make public the personal e-mail and instant mail exchanges between his former wife Angela Mascia Frye and the Governor.

He also announced his campaign for governor, and said he intended to make life as miserable for Wise as Wise had made his life miserable.

Some lawyers and legal experts have speculated that state and federal privacy laws may have been breached by his secret interception of e-mail and instant messages.

"Icky" has indicated he will sell the messages, possibly to a tabloid.

Bob Allen, a former federal prosecutor, said Frye could be "on real thin ice."