FOUR DETAINED 1092ND SOLDIERS RETURN - Captured By Iranian Troops

Four members of the Parkersburg-based 1092nd National Guard unit who were captured, blindfolded and interrogated by Iranians last month, have returned to West Virginia.

Reports said their convoy wandered from Iraq into Iranian territory.

They were welcomed home by Governor Bob Wise, Adjutant General Allen Tackett, and family members in Charleston yesterday afternoon.

Staff Sergeant Shawn Justice of Clarksburg, Sergeant James Robinson of Moundsville. Specialist Steven Bliss of Wheeling and Specialist Bill Powell of Huntington, said they never felt safe in Iraq and were glad to be home.

The soldiers were among 511 members of the 1092nd Engineering Battalion, which has a local detachment in Spencer. Numerous Roane, Calhoun and regional soldiers are attached to that unit.

They were providing security when they were captured June 1 and detained for about 29 hours.

The soldiers will have seven days to spend with family before they have to report to Fort Bragg in North Carolina.