Grantsville's new mayor was sworn in yesterday, taking office today. Neil
Blankenship began serving a two year term.
Grantsville's new town council will have their first official meeting on July 7, with
one incumbent and four newly elected members.
Incumbent Bonnie Brown is the only old-timer.
The four new council members are Mike Wilson,
Keith Smith,
Loretta Stevens and
Charles Whipkey.
Phelma Jane Wease will begin a new term as town recorder.
Chief of Police Charles McCroskey has reportedly resigned from his position.
The first order of business for the new council in the next few weeks will be to deal with town hall
property proposals presented by Steve Satterfield and Jim Morris.
A proposal by Satterfield has been on hold with a temporary injunction filed by the
Morris interests. Former Mayor Gary Knight said the injunction was without
foundation, expressing concern the parties that obtained the injunction did not put
up a bond.
See Hur Herald Archives 5/10/03.
A 30-day stay has expired, but a hearing on the matter is not scheduled until August.