Several dozen local residents have been participating in
the Grantsville Bible Institute during the past year. The
Institute is completing its first year at the Victory Baptist
Church near Grantsville. The goal of the Institute has been
to teach men and women techniques and truths in
delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dr. John Powell, a native of Calhoun and President of the
Bible Institute, has been teaching Homiletics I, the art of
teaching and preaching the gospel. Dr. Powell's colorful
delivery of his own messages and teaching of how to
deliver a sermon has built confidence in his students. Dr.
Powell comes to Calhoun from Wadsworth, Ohio two or
three times a month to teach.
Dr. Myron Guiler, founder of Marietta Bible College, has
been teaching the Gospel of John and Dr. Jim Newton,
Pastor of the Rymer Road Baptist Church in Wadsworth,
Ohio, has been teaching the Pentateuch - the first five
books of the Bible. Their teaching has made the Bible come
The instructors of the local course have agreed to return
for a fall semester. For further information call Pastor Mike
Worf at 354-7780. The Grantsville Bible Institute are
accredited courses by the Marietta Bible Institute.
(Information submitted by Shari Johnson)