Yesterday's Tomorrow's," the traveling Smithsonian exhibit, will be here beginning May 8th.

One of the events planned to fit in with the exhibit is the burial of a "time capsule" at the County Park. The time capsule will have items from the present sealed in the capsule. Then, in fifty years, the capsule will be opened.

Items must fit the capsule, which is 48" long, 22 1/2" wide and 19 1/2" high.

Some suggestions include artwork, crafts, money, forms of transportation, tools, means of communication, household items, school or educational material, etc.

Reverend Peig Schmitz is heading up the time capsule planning group. Picture it:

The year is 2053, the day, date and time, Sunday, June 1st, 2:30 p.m., and the place, Stevens School, Calhoun County Park. To a rousing drum roll, the lid of the TIME CAPSULE is removed.

What do you want Calhounian's to find?

What items would portray the lives of Calhoun people in the days of 2003?

Items offered to date: Newspaper announcing the war with Iraq, Lions Club History, "Yesterdays Tomorrow" poster, Calhoun High School yearbook, new coin, drawings by Larry McCallister of the old and new school buildings, sales receipt from a grocery store, phone book, statistics of Calhoun county population, and a CD player with CD of popular music.

Contact any committee member or Peggy Schmitz, 354-6040 with your own offering. Remember, our deadline is May 12th. Applications for your contribution will be available at: The Banks, library, J & B, Senior Center, Coopers, Y Restaurant, Speedy Mart, Stinson Grocery, Holbert's, Gregory's, Heartwood, Giar's, Parson's and the Lights On! Office.

The Time Capsule Team includes Bev. Morford and High School Student Council representatives, Commissioner Rick Sampson, Bob Bonar, Roger Jarvis, and Peig Schmitz at 304 354-6040.

If you live out of the area, you may mail a suggestion regarding your item to: Rev. Peggy Schmitz, 399 Calhoun Street, Grantsville WV 26147.