Bob Weaver 2024
Egg prices are spiking again across America, jumping to $4.82 a dozen as the nation's chickens are going on strike.
Head spokes rooster Silver Streak told the Hur Herald that sporadic strikes at chicken farms is causing a problem for consumers along with illness.
"The corporations have changed the chicken's diets, using some dumb-downed corn meal, leading to a lot of sick and dying chicken layers," said Silver Streak. "Things are so bad the hens are not even interested in sex."
The hens and roosters have been hit by the bird flu, impacting 101 million chickens across America, making a short supply of eggs.
"I suppose they'll blame us roosters, since we're suppose to be the rulers of the roost," Silver Streak continued.
"That crazy mixed-up food has addled many of the chickens, making my life miserable. It's all caused by the almighty dollar, now its just a blame game," he concluded.