SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - The Ultimate Bug Zapper

Bob Weaver 2024

My Uncle Ernest McCoy, a retired teacher who was stricken with polio as a youngster, lived beside our family home at Hur, an invalid who was given care by my mother for many years before his death.

Sometime in the 1970s there was an endless infestation of bugs and insects that nothing seemed to kill them.

He heard about an optimum bug killer on Wayne Raney's WCKY (Cincinnati) radio show.

The promo said there was a brand new product, guaranteed to kill all bugs up to 3 inches long, not available in stores.

Send $7 before midnight and you'll get a second bug killer for free with a set of Jesus beads, also free.

Ernest ordered and got the zapper.

When the box arrived, he opened it up and found two steel hammers (plus the Jesus beads) with brief instructions to aim the hammer at the insect and strike hard.

There must be a lesson here somewhere.