Over 600 small businesses closed in 2000-2001 in the Mountain State.
The number of small businesses in West Virginia has declined, the largest loss in the nation, according to the US Census
Bureau's county business patterns report released yesterday.
The losses were particularly heavy among businesses with up to four employees, which make up more than half the
establishments in the state.
Some of the losses could be due to small businesses growing into one of the higher categories with more employees, but the
numbers suggest otherwise.
There was a total gain of 29 establishments in those categories compared to a loss of 637 establishments in the other
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce just released data from a Harris Poll on the United States. The poll ranks states in order of
their legal systems and the fairness with which businesses are treated.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Tom Donahue noted that West Virginia made a good first step this year
with the medical malpractice reform legislation and the tort reforms associated with that new act.
However, West Virginia ranks 49th in that poll for a second straight year. Only Mississippi has a less friendly legal system for
business than West Virginia, according to the Chamber. They said Delaware ranked at the top with the most business
friendly court system.
Donahue unveiled a national campaign aimed at encouraging tort reforms across the country.