SUNNY CAL JOURNAL - "Get His Pocketbook"

By Bob Weaver 2023

In the 1960s and 1970s the Sinnett (later Sinnett-Weaver) in Spencer ran 1,200 ambulance calls annually. Personally it was a life changing experience, going to every hill and holler in Roane and Calhoun County, a time of critical poverty.

Over the years I have written about those days, good and bad.

We received an ambulance call up the street, arriving to find a deceased man on the floor, before the days of resuscitation.

The man's wife was on the floor weeping on the chest of her husband with a number of neighborhood women in the room.

About ten minutes passed and mortician Clyde Sinnett, Jr. indicated we should proceed with removing the body, he stooping on the floor next to the widow, I stooping on the other side.

Clyde suggested to her that we should proceeded with the removal, after the widow continued to loudly grieve.

Clyde suggested to her again that it was time for removing the man's body, after which she continued to moan even more loudly.

The neighborhood women joined the sorrow.

She briefly stopped moaning to whisper in Clyde's ear, "Get his pocketbook Clyde," after which she continued exhibit her sorrow.

He removed his pocketbook and in orderly fashion we removed the deceased man.