
By Bob Weaver

The ghosts of old Calhoun County High School had to seek refuge as former students and their families toured old Calhoun County High School, opened up for the first time since its closing in 1998.

The special event was to celebrate the 1982 Project to revitalize the historic structure into a community center, on the heels of a $1 million dollar donation by former student Crystal Laughlin Mersh.

Mersh is on a mission to raise $2 million more dollars for the project.

The multi-layered event, in addition to tours, included a picnic, children's activities, a ceremonial brick breaking to launch the project and the erecting of a new flag dedicated to veterans.

The spirited event brought rays of hope to the community.

“I just showed up at the right time, everybody is so interested. This is about the community, that’s where my heart is, particularly around the kids,” Mersh said.

“When we were growing up, we had all sorts of people who are still here in this county who looked out for us. I can’t think of a better investment. As far as my legacy goes, I want my children to see me doing what’s important, I want them to see me investing in what really matters.”

“This is not a new concept. I saw this role modeling in my childhood and I just copied and pasted it,” she said.

“It’s the place that made me. I would not have traveled the world and enjoyed the experiences that I have and started my own businesses. None of those things would have happened if it wasn’t for that place and those people.”

Renovations will begin soon at the old high school as architects have to complete another round of reviews before the work starts.

The Town of Grantsville was spruced up with autumn decor from one end to the other.

For more information check out the 1982 Foundation “Calhoun County Community Center” Facebook page.