Friends of the Ruble Church Trustees are selling copies of The "Ruble Church and Burning Springs History Book 1807-2021. The cost of each book is $25. All proceeds go to the Trustees' renovation fund to complete the work started in 2020. The next projects to be completed are the floor joists, floor, and ceiling.
The book was written by Carole Runner Menefee and professionally published by USA Printing Center. The book is 8 1/2 x 11 and contains 87 pages.
The Ruble Church section includes over 60 pictures. Two Ruble Church pictures circa 1925, showing the shingle roof, and pictures of the 2020 and 2021 renovations. Burning Springs History begins on page 49. The section includes over 80 pictures of Early Burning Springs and ends with pictures of current Burning Springs.
This will be the last order published at this time, so limited copies remain available. A check for the $25 history book should be written to: Trustees of Ruble Church and mailed to Carole Menefee P.O. Box 544 Elizabeth, WV 26143. Books will be available for pick up at 269 Washington Street Elizabeth, WV. Please add $ 5. for the postage if you need the book mailed.