By Bob Weaver
It seemed like the the grand ole days of Arch Moore, various federal
and state agencies
coming to Pleasant Hill School and announcing the impending
construction of the Back Fork
Water Project. It was 1999. Speakers spoke and pictures taken, and
almost ever person
there thought it was a go. The Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council says
"We thought it was,"
but the Small Cities Block Grant got scrapped.
The Calhoun Commission has just applied again for the $515,000 need
for the seven mile
water line which would currently serve 52 families. Earl Lucas told
the Calhoun Commission
Monday evening he is hopeful, again.
The total cost of the project is $840,000. The Commission met with
Lucas Monday evening
at a special meeting to finalize the new application.
Commissioners Barr and Weaver listened to a proposal to increase the
security at the
courthouse using grant money. A 1996 evaluation of needs suggested one
door access,
security alarms, limited video cam and tape surveillance and better
courtroom security. The
Commission will apply for the grant to meet the minimal
The regular meeting of the Commission will be held next Monday