Teresa Ritchie introduces walkers to program
A walking program for the people of all ages, sponsored by the Community Wellness Council was launched Saturday during
a meeting at Calhoun County Park. The Stride into Spring program will continue through June 21.
About 50 people attended the session.
Tony Russell, a member of the council, said each participant would be part of a Walking Club at a local site. People will
walk in pairs or larger groups, and reporting of miles walked will be on the honor system.
MHHCC provides free tests to walkers
Each club will name a reporter and participants will keep logs of their walking, and turn them in to the reporter each week.
Prizes and incentives will be offered.
Minnie Hamilton Health Care Center provided free lab tests for the participants.
"The program should promote both health and togetherness. Walking with someone is good for your heart in both a physical
and an emotional way," said Russell.