EXPLORE TEST RESULTS - Developing High School Plans

Submitted by Mary Lou Darczuk

Eighth graders recently received a copy of the results of the Explore test. Explore was administered last October. In addition to their profile, students were given a booklet explaining how to interpret results. Students spent a class period with their teacher and counselor reviewing and understanding their individual profile. Students were encouraged to share these results with their parents in preparation for developing high school plans. A copy of Explore results will be available when students, parents and teachers meet to develop 2-year plans.

Information from the Explore test includes the following:

Standard scores on the four core academic areas in which they were tested (English, Science Reasoning, Math and Reading Comprehension)

The student's own judgment of the amount of help he or she needs in various areas, such as study skills, reading speed, etc.

A pie chart, which indicates career areas matched with students' interests

Linkage with the ACT tests, PLAN taken by all students in grade 10 and the ACT college entrance exam

If anyone would like additional information, they may contact Mary Lou Darczuk, Middle School Counselor, at 354-6148, extension 18.