Submitted by Zane Gherke, Computer Coordinator
Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center
The Mountain Women will be featured performers at the Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center's "Appalachian Spring Fling" on
Saturday, April 5. Matriarch Susie Whaples, better known as "Mama" will appear; the group has spread their love for West
Virginia and our Appalachian culture through their storytellin'. In 1998, they were crowned the National Storytelling
Champions and in 1999 they won the "Echoes Through the Coalfields" contest. The Mountain Women weave together a
unique program that have "people laughing hysterically one minute and wiping away tears the next."
Don't miss this special performance starting at 1:30 p.m. Admission is free although donations will be accepted and
appreciated to benefit the Earl J. Gainer Student Scholarship Fund. The Mountain Women are sponsored by a Calhoun
County Light's On grant.
Don't wait until 1:30 to come. Other events will start early at the Career Center. Beginning at 9 a.m. there will be displays
and demonstrations by local craftsmen as well as some of the vocational labs. Featured will be quilting, foundation piecing,
blacksmithing, chair caning, basketry, beadwork, carving, and pen and ink drawing. In addition , many food items including
homemade Easter candies, baked goods, strawberry shortcake and beans and cornbread will be sold. There will also be
law enforcement officials fingerprinting children free of charge for the "Kid T.R.A.C.K.S." program.
Live music will be featured at 10 a.m. The Friend's of Al's Barn will be performing throughout the morning in the school's
commons area. Band members include Al Hogan, Fred Dawson, Willard Jones, Bruce Jones, Charles Jones, Johnny Jones,
and Gloria Jones.
Mark April 5th on your calendar and plan on attending the "Appalachian Spring Fling" at the Calhoun-Gilmer Career
Center. The school will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Ya'all Come!
9:00AM - 1:00PM Crafts, Displays, Demonstrations, Food
10:00AM - til ? Live music (Friends of Al's Barn);
recorded music
1:00PM - 1:30PM Shut down displays, etc. and
set up for featured presentation
1:30PM - 2:30PM The Mountain Women
Patty Cain/quilting
Martha Harris/foundation pieces
Health Occupations/vitals signs; strawberry shortcake
FBLA Club/hot dogs
Criminal Justice/homemade candles & soap/Kid T.R.A.C.K.S.(fingerprinting)
Hospitality Class/homemade Easter candies
Metal Trades/blacksmithing
Environmental Tech/crafts/plants/demos
Page Toney/baked goods
Terri Hickman/chair caning
Carol Ross/basketry
Pat Radabaugh/covered basket
Linda Jones/herbs; beadwork
Grantsville CEOS/soup beans & cornbread
Larry McCallister/pen & ink drawings
Building Construction/model house tours
Joyce Payne/carving
Friends of Al's Barn/music
The Mountain Women/storytelling