2020: SNAKE ROOT/UNION SCHOOL GETS RESTORATION - Located Russett Road Near Stumptown


A local owner has cleared the brush, made building improve-
ments and newly painted the historic one room school known
as Union-Snake Root School on Russet Road near Stumptown

Photo of students at Union (aka) Snakeroot School in Sherman
District 1919-1920 - Photo taken just after World War I. Teacher
was Onie Vanhom. First row, left to right, Thelma Godfrey Siers,
Sylvester Stump, Mona Vannoy, Syloma Vanhom, Tracy Stump, Wilda
Conklin, Mildred Conklin; Second row, John Harris, Ruth Stump,
Omie Summers, Ermal Metz Westfall, Alta Conklin, Della Stump,
Waneta Stump Collins, Opal Bennett; Third row, Coy Godfrey, Levy
Vanhorn, Frank Vanhorn, Susie Bennett, Charlie Harris, Alma Vannoy
Godfrey, Rufus Vanhorn, Ray Conklin, Nellie Harris, Ernest Wilson,
Martha Stump Vannoy; fourth row, Onie Vanhorn (teacher), Delphia
Summer, Velma Stump, Mary Stump, Manie Stump, Ethel Vanhorn
Roberts, Alda Vannoy Kendall, Opal Bennett, Georgie Stump McCart-
ney, Bethel Bennett Suttles, Willa Vanhorn, and Forrest Vannoy Witt