We’ve Put Our Promises In Writing!

“A Promise is a Promise!”
Proverbs 22:6…We believe in it…

We promise to provide the best in quality education in a caring, Christian environment at Little Kanawha Valley Christian School, “a promise is a promise.” We’ve even put our promises in writing so that you, our Christian school parents, can know what to expect from your Christian school.

We promise to strive to make the most of every day and to give your student a quality education.

That means we are committed to excellence in our academics. By God’s grace and with His help, ... you’ll receive a maximum effort from our highly qualified and dedicated faculty.

We promise to teach the Bible to your student every day.

God’s Word is important to your home and to our Christian school, so you will not find us taking shortcuts in this area. By the way, it isn’t enough to just teach the Word of God; you’ll find our faculty committed to living it as examples of the believer.

We promise to have times of prayer every day.

Prayer doesn’t belong in our school just for some pre-determined, scheduled time. Prayer belongs in our school whenever needs arise. This trains our children to look beyond themselves and towards the Source of our (their) faith and strength.

We promise to teach your student Biblical morality every day.

We live in a society where many young people are growing up without any direction as to right and wrong. Our children need to know God’s unchanging absolutes that are taught in His Word.

We promise to teach your student the meaning of godly, Christian character.

We believe in training students to be responsible, diligent, determined, decisive, loyal, punctual, grateful, truthful, forgiving, patient, and kind. This is teaching that goes into the heart and mind.

We promise to support you as a parent.

The Christian school is to be an extension of the home, and we strive to train your child in the same godly way you would train him if you could be by his side every day. We will not undermine you.

We promise to keep an “open door” to you for better communication.

We value our parents’ thoughts, concerns, and opinions. You’ll find us willing to listen and wanting to help you as you face problems and difficulties. We are here to serve you and your family.

Read more   Open Enrollment for New Students