The Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department offers free or low-cost birth control in the Spencer office at 200 East Main Street and the Elizabeth office at 90 Senior Circle, Lower Washington Street. Contraceptive methods are provided free to all eligible clients.
A person may be eligible for free or low-cost family planning services if he/she:
⦁ works at an entry-level, temporary, minimum wage or other low-paying job
⦁ is unemployed
⦁ is a student
⦁ can not afford monthly birth control after paying for basic needs
⦁ has health insurance that doesn't cover birth control and your income qualifies
⦁ has Medicaid but no HMO coverage
⦁ has lost WV WORKS (TANF) or other benefits
The MOVHD nurse practitioner provides a comprehensive medical examination including a pelvic exam, pregnancy test, and pap test to screen for cervical cancer. A clinical breast exam and instructions for monthly self-exam are also completed during the visit. A male is given a testicular exam and instructed on how to do self-exams as well. In addition, clients are screened and treated for sexually transmitted diseases.
During a visit, a clinician or nurse will review the range of birth control methods available. The benefits, effectiveness, possible side effects and correct use will be discussed as well.
The Family Planning Program visits are confidential and no information will be revealed without the clientâs written consent. In accordance with Title X regulations, regardless of family income or insurance, clinic visits and contraceptives are free to clients under the age of 18 that request services be confidential without the knowledge or involvement of the family.
Services will be offered in Elizabeth on the third Tuesday of every month. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact the MOVHD office at 304-275-3131.
Services will be offered in Spencer, on the third Wednesday of every month. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact the MOVHD office at 304-927-1480.