By Bob Weaver
At a special meeting called Friday by the Calhoun County Commission, the Calhoun Building Authority, Minnie Hamilton Health System and the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, discussed a problem over a health department lease with MHHS, the issue appeared to be resolved.
The problem surfaced when Minnie Hamilton was asking the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department to find new quarters, indicating they needed the space for expanded services.
The health department indicated a previous long-term lease might take precedence over the request to move.
With the Building Commission Board in session the issue was discussed by board members Paul Parsons, Randy Ball, Judy Powell and Scottie "Chip" Westfall.
Representing MHHS was administrator Steve Whited and associates, representing the MOVHD was Eric Walker, Executive Director and MOVHD health board member David Couch, also a Wood County commissioner.
Calhoun Commission President/Building Commission member Chip Westfall advised the parties if the issue could not be settled, a civil action with costly lawyers would be facing both organizations.
Minnie Hamilton CEO Whited offered to give $5,000 to MOVHD to assist with the the additional costs for monthly rent they are now facing with a new location.
Whited said, "MHHS has always been supportive of the health department."
Westfall said he had been assisting the health department to find a new location, and the former Tim Moore Insurance Agency space is currently being considered, a space under the current Family Court building in Grantsville. |